I'm searching for an image of a Nitro 5 AN517-42-R5KZ with the back cover removed.

poorkarl Member Posts: 3 New User

Does anyone know where I can find an image or video showing a Nitro 5 AN517-42-R5KZ interior layout?

Something like a disassembly video would be great. Or even the actual images that often accompany instructions? I'm looking for pictures because sometimes things like line drawings leave out details. I've watched many videos, tried searching for relevant info in tech websites, and scrolled through many images. But no joy for this specific model #.

If there is a model that basically shows the same component layout or placement, but maybe has a different CPU and/or GPU, that would probably be okay.

Also, I've noticed many posters will omit the last 4 digits of their model. What do those last 4 digits represent? Are they important when supplying specs/model info? Thanks in advance.
