Temperature Issues on Acer Helios Predator 300 (PH315-52) After Repasting

warhammer920 Member Posts: 6


Hey everyone,

I’ve got an Acer Helios Predator 300 (PH315-52) with the following specs:

  • CPU: i7-9750H (6 cores, 12 threads)
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti

I’ve been monitoring my temps using ThrottleStop, and I’ve noticed something odd. During stress tests, some threads run consistently hotter than others—up to 15°C hotter. I recently repasted my CPU with Coolermaster Mastergel Maker, and initially, the temps were pretty even across all cores. However, after about a week, the 15°C delta reappeared and has been consistent since.

Has anyone else experienced this, or does anyone have any advice on how to fix this? I’m not sure if I did something wrong during the repasting or if there’s another underlying issue.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!