The multimedia touch panel suddenly cannot be used in Swift GO SFG14-73T-79B?

junko Member Posts: 1 New User
edited August 2024 in Swift and Spin Series


原本在看youtube時,觸控面板都是有出現很亮的多媒體控制選項(暫停/撥放/全螢幕….等),前幾天看影片一陣子後,忽然面板就自己慢慢暗下去然後再也看不見選項,手指頭遊動面板時,鼠標一樣有作用,但多媒體就沒辦法顯示使用,有人也遇到過這是什麼問題嗎? 我才買半個月而已….


When I was watching YouTube, the multimedia control options (pause/play/full screen, etc.) always appeared brightly on the touch panel. After watching videos for a while a few days ago, the panel suddenly dimmed on its own. I can no longer see the options. When my finger moves around the panel, the mouse still works, but the multimedia cannot be displayed and used. Has anyone encountered this problem? I only bought it half a month ago...

[The message was translated using Google Translation]
