Interchangeability motherboards G9-793. The GPU is died and laptop is turn off.

Trainsim Member Posts: 2 New User
edited July 5 in Predator Laptops

I have a predator G9-793 with mu5dc/ch7dc motherboard. The GPU is died and laptop is turn off. I find on sale motherboard P5NCN/P7NCN from G9-591. They are very similar in appearance. Can I use it for my laptop? All connectors is similar or not?

[Edited the thread to add issue detail]


  • Alejandro_AC
    Alejandro_AC ACE Posts: 12,466 Trailblazer

    Hi @Trainsim I don't know, wait for more answers, but I can leave you here the models compatible with your model according to the official Acer service manual:

    All the best.

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