How can i pair the Acer Electric scooter 5 advance with mobile app?

JiriKasuba Member Posts: 1 New User
edited July 6 in Gadgets & Accessories

Hello, i have read the article on this topic, and i have your app, but the next step in the article is: "enable your scooter, and when the bluetooth icon on the scooter dashboard stops flashing, it's ready for pairing." But on my scooter, it just doesn't stop flashing. I have tried to turn it off and on multiple times, even doing the connecting steps in different order, but nothing seems to work, the bluetooth icon just keeps flashing and i can't find my scooter in the device list in your app.


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 32,545 Trailblazer

    I'll ask the moderators to move this message to a more appropriate section. That will hopefully get it in front of other Scooter owners. You should realize though that there aren't any Acer employees here, only other Acer users. You might get an answer faster by contacting Acer support for your country.

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