acer predator ph 18-71 bios resseting itself to default every time no matter what settings are chang

plm_ Member Posts: 2 New User

Acer predator ph 18-71 bios resseting itself either after every shutdown or after an minimum ~ 20 minutes after boot from cold startup

bios v 1.15

wtf is up with this behaviour

my older nitro 17 had this issue i returned it

my older predator had this problem iv returned it

this unit has the same issue wich i intend to keep but this unnaceptable problem makes me return it

bios resets itself

that stupid earbursting boot sound turns on ( unmutes itself )

Secure Boot turns on

Password on Boot turns off WTF?!!?

F12 for Boot Options" turns off.

iv tried countless combinations , basicly the bios resets itself no matter what settings i change or not !! to default settings and it takes randomly between ~ 1minute to 4-5 to reset …the ***** is up with this ?!?! who the hell programmed this and who the hell acepted this as fit for an retail unit ffs, absolutely stupid and unnaceptable , insulting aswell !


  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 9,942 Trailblazer

    Are you sure you Save Changes in BIOS each time when you exit BIOS and not Disregard Changes and reboot?

  • FrEaZeR
    FrEaZeR Member Posts: 100 Fixer WiFi Icon

    Do you have any software that can controls BIOS ?(i don't know if something like that exists) . I haven't seen a BIOS resetting itself in years lol (on very old computers) , maybe the BIOS battery is dead ? but weird .. i have older Acer laptops and never changed the batteries(15+ years) .

  • plm_
    plm_ Member Posts: 2 New User
    edited July 3

    Im not sure what could have caused what i described, perhaps the bios or cmos battery failing , who knows, im done with acer laptops for now, iv refunded this unit aswell.

    not to mention that the vmd drivers were not installed and the solutions provided by acer didnt helped at all, of course this is not an issue for people who buy acer laptops with an os installed , anyway, im disgusted.