Predator G3-710 issues, pc wont boot to bios or even windows it just overheats

DaffaG3710isbroken Member Posts: 11


edited June 29 in Predator Desktops

My specs are:


2.No Graphics Card

3.8GB DDR4 ram

4.a 550W psu

my issues is the pc wont boot to bios or even windows it just overheats and when i cool it down it still overheats. Anyone got a solution? i need to be gaming.

[Edited the thread to add issue detail]


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 32,442 Trailblazer

    I won't get into gaming on a machine from 2015 without a GPU card… :)

    Does the CPU fan spin when you try to turn it on? You say it just overheats, but without access to the BIOS or an OS, how do you tell it's overheating rather than just warming up normally? Is your monitor plugged into the HDMI or DP port on the back of the machine? Do you hear any beeps when trying to boot?

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  • DaffaG3710isbroken
    DaffaG3710isbroken Member Posts: 11


    edited June 29

    i know but the graphics card is broken rn and idk when i start it up the fans just goes high rpm all the time i cant access the bios or the os but theres no beeps any solution?:D

  • DaffaG3710isbroken
    DaffaG3710isbroken Member Posts: 11


    edited June 29

    if u want a yt link to show whats happening i can give it to u

  • DaffaG3710isbroken
    DaffaG3710isbroken Member Posts: 11


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 32,442 Trailblazer

    Fast spin of the fans and no beeps tells us you aren't getting fully into POST. When a system is first turned on the fan starts at full speed, the almost immediately drops to a normal speed when the BIOS fires up and starts the power on self tests. The first thing I'd do, just because it's cheap and might fix things, is to replace the CMOS battery. Your machine is old enough that battery might have failed, which can affect the BIOS load. #26 on this diagram is the holder for that coin cell battery:

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • DaffaG3710isbroken
    DaffaG3710isbroken Member Posts: 11



    hmmm never think that I need to replace it, whats the model for the battery?