My XB273K GP only gets to 120hz, but its supposed to get up to 144hz

HelpPls Member Posts: 1 New User

Monitor: Acer Predator XB273K GP

GPU: Nvidia 2080 Super


A game showed me a pop-up recommending I use 144hz instead of 120, which made me remember that I haven't been able to apply 144hz since I got the monitor. I tried to fix in in two ways, to no avail:

  1. I originally had both the HDMI and the DP cable connected to the GPU. I read in a forum that the first display port was best. I disconnected the HDMI and changed the place of my DP cable. The computer booted up fine, but when I checked in 'advanced display settings' (in the normal Windows settings app), the maximum was still only 120 hz.
  2. I tried to "overclock" it to 144hz through the Nvidia control panel. Before any changes, it displayed a maximum of 120hz at the native resolution of 3080x2160. The method, which is apparently the standard method of overclocking a monitor, is to create a custom resolution profile at the native resolution but at a higher refresh rate. I did so with a 144hz refresh rate. The program runs a test, and if it successful, it asks to keep the settings. Mine was successful, but when I clicked "yes" to save, it was as if I had never done anything. The new custom resolution was nowhere to be found. I was still at 120 hz, both in the Nvidia control panel and in the Windows advanced display settings screen. The GeForce Drivers are updated.

Does anyone know why the custom resolution profile is not saved? How can I make my monitor go all the way to 144hz?

Thank you.
