Aspire V3-471G battery issue, bought one but doesnt seem original. can i get original battery

ucasaid Member Posts: 3 New User
edited June 2024 in Aspire Laptops


Salam, laptop saya sudah down baterainya, pernah beli baterai, tapi sepertinya bukan ori, karena terkadang langsung mati sendiri laptop saya.

Apakah acer masih menjual baterai original tipe tersebut? atau ada rekomendasi di mana dapat membeli produk orinya?

Terimakasih sebelumnya. Hormat Saya


Greetings, my laptop battery is down, I bought a battery, but it doesn't seem to be original, because sometimes my laptop just turns itself off.

Does Acer still sell this type of original battery? or do you have any recommendations on where to buy the original product?

Thank you in advance

[Edited the content using Google translator]


  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 12,694 Trailblazer

    Laptop Aspire V3-471G adalah laptop 2011 dan suku cadang oem Acer-nya sulit didapat, baterai asli yang dipasang (lihat caption beow) mahal jika Anda ingin membeli dari Acer atau pengecer suku cadang Acer yang tahu. Acer direct atau pengecer suku cadang Acer seperti Zandparts Acer Battery Li-Ion 6C 5K2Mah Wht menjual baterai SONY Aspire V3-471G asli seharga € 148,60 / USD $ 159,49 atau Rp 2.806.173,92 yang sangat mahal.
    Baterai yang Anda beli harus baterai COPY yang tidak muat 100% ke V3-471 ruang baterai (lihat keterangan di bawah), karena beberapa baterai salinan untuk V3-4171G berukuran sedikit lebih besar dan Anda harus memaksa baterai masuk ke ruang baterainya sehingga semua pin baterai membuat kontak 100%. Coba dulu dan lihat apakah baterai salin berfungsi?

    Catatan: Saya memiliki V-3-571G yang merupakan laptop yang sama dan semua hal di atas terjadi pada laptop saya ketika saya membeli baterai salinan. Setelah saya memaksa baterai masuk ke slot baterai, itu berhasil.


    The Aspire V3-471G laptop is a 2011 laptop and its Acer oem parts are hard to get, the original fitted batteries (see caption below) are expensive if you want to buy from Acer or a know Acer parts retailer. Acer direct or an Acer parts retailer like Zandparts Acer Battery Li-Ion 6C 5K2Mah Wht sells the original Aspire V3-471G SONY battery for €148.60 / USD $159.49 or IDR 2,806,173.92 which is very expensive.

    The battery that you bought must be a COPY battery that does not fit 100% into the V3-471G battery space (see caption below), as some of the copy batteries for the V3-4171G are a little bigger in size and you have to force the battery into its battery space so that all the battery pins make 100% contact. Try that first and see if the copy battery makes works?

    Note: I have a V-3-571G which is the same laptop and all the above happened to my laptop when I bought a copy battery. After I forced the battery into the battery slot it worked.

    Original Acer oem Batteries for the Aspire V3-471/471G laptops

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