How to cancel the update of acer inc. system firmware 1.11

Alin_Irv9 Member Posts: 1 New User

I initially had another problem after updating the video card amd radeon graphics. The sound on the video, audio for 3-5 minutes becomes robotic, with wheezing and interruptions. I tried to fix it in different ways - did not help. In the Windows update center, I updated everything I could, and among these updates was the BIOS. In order for the update to be completed, I needed to fulfill 2 conditions: connect to the power supply and have a battery charge of 25%. But! The battery is removed from the laptop. And now I can’t complete the update. When I turn on the laptop, I always go to this setting window and nothing can be done from there. I have to turn off and turn on the laptop several times with the button. Tell me, is it possible to somehow cancel the update myself?? I don’t need it!
