Helios Neo 16, i9 14900 HX. Can't turn off blue light shield from predator sense

Abhay_1283 Member Posts: 2 New User
edited August 24 in Predator Laptops

I can't turn it off, turn off button is not responding

[Edited the topic title to include model number]


  • Abhay_1283
    Abhay_1283 Member Posts: 2 New User

    Please someone help!

  • bosco1234
    bosco1234 Member Posts: 10 New User

    I got the same issue after I have to resinstall windows, and then predator Sense manually after they told me to do this after Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) episodes. Fresh copy of windows. At the start, there's no choice to select to stop charging at 80%, uninstalled, restart, reinstall, then it appear. Now this Bluelight Shield also not responding on click for me.

    Using Helios Neo 16, i9 14900 HX.

  • bosco1234
    bosco1234 Member Posts: 10 New User

    Success with my Acer Predator Neo 16-72-95ZB (i9-14900HX, RTX™️4060)

    Finally I saw a Acer site guide after another 2 rounds of fresh install of windows….


    Am just missing to "Extract all" files downloaded as a zip into a folder. Right after installation completes, I "restart" the computer, and while booting up, Windows went into "updating… the black screen showing some % thing to completion".

    Then on running, the switch works.

    Updates on 2nd boot while trying to refer to it to write a guide here (hoping to help others), am back to the same issue, feeling WTF.

  • bosco1234
    bosco1234 Member Posts: 10 New User
    edited August 24

    read below with screenshots.

  • bosco1234
    bosco1234 Member Posts: 10 New User
    edited August 24

    Updates…I restore back the fresh copy of windows to try again. Reinstalled from scratch, works as usual. But I shall save another restore point for the sake of trying my best to understand this[Sensitive Content] option….. if I manage to turn it on and it stays stuck, will update here, I rather to have correct colours (as a photographer) then to be permanently stuck with orange tint (if any).

    [Edited the thread to hide sensitive content]

  • bosco1234
    bosco1234 Member Posts: 10 New User

    Freaking screwed up, I just restart the computer, windows show a black screen with words "Updates are underway, please keep your computer on".

    Then on logging into windows, viola, it's BACK.


  • bosco1234
    bosco1234 Member Posts: 10 New User
    edited August 24

    Ok, I still can't do anything about it….
    For now, I think the button to cycle between the power settings (Eco, Balance, Performance, Turbo) is useful for my work, and saving power when not needed.

    Had used the colour-calibrating hardware called SpyderX Pro, while the Bluelight Shield is forcefully active. So colour is "corrected" in this mode.

    Hope I won't see too much colour difference if any in my work….. or any updates to the PredatorSense which forcefully disabled it again (shifting the colours if any).

  • bosco1234
    bosco1234 Member Posts: 10 New User


    The colour is unuseable. Now without the Predator Sense, my laptop doesn't have smart charging anymore (when cloud windows reset is selected, even without the Predator Sense, it charges to 80%). Now that the Predator Sense is uninstalled, it just charges up to 100%.

    Will contact my friendly acer technician and wait for 1 more day when he gets back to work. Cannot afford to turn in circles for nothing.

  • bosco1234
    bosco1234 Member Posts: 10 New User
    edited August 27

    My Friendly On Site Acer Technician had bring another SSD preloaded with windows to be "expanded". Met with another error and he suggested to bring it back to service centre, to try settling it once and for all.

    Apparently, only the windows + predator sense that comes with Acer SSD works. So don't ever try to format your computer for now….. Not matter the Cloud Windows (latest) or the local windows, or any of the 2 version of Predator Sense on 27 Aug 2024) will work.

    A working version of Predator Sense will look like this, showing understandable options (not unclickable ones too).

    Updates after clicking around, seems like the option to enable and disable isn't responsive as well, am still a little afraid since I will need to bring it overseas in 2 days time………

  • bosco1234
    bosco1234 Member Posts: 10 New User
    edited August 28

    I realised the issue now.
    The issue only occur when I put a 2nd screen, and load windows with it.

    Put the screen to "duplicate screen" mode, shut down PredatorSense completely (in Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del right click on PredatorSense and "End Task"), load it back by typing into Wins +Q key (PredatorSense). Hopefully, the option can be turn On/off accordingly.

    Then go back to Screen extend or 2nd screen so both your screen will work without the orange tint.

    It should stay off (I hope). Will monitor the next few days and update here accordingly…..

    If we are using the laptop screen by itself (no 2nd screen attached), it should be functioning.

    Hope this helps someone, until Acer fix this bug. I will definitely turn it off and not touch it at all…. rather be blind from the blue light lol.