I spill water on my acer swift 3

Desperatefox Member Posts: 1 New User

I let it dried out for 12 hrs before i tried to open it up. It do started but i would shut down by itself after 10-15s.

What problem am i facing and should i wait a bit longer until it completely dried out before taking it to the repair shop? For the context, i live in a very remote place so im not really fancy on going unless if i have to


  • Alejandro_AC
    Alejandro_AC ACE Posts: 12,307 Trailblazer

    Hi @Desperatefox do not turn it on again or you may suffer worse damage. The equipment must be opened and the elements that have come into contact with water must be cleaned with special products that eliminate moisture to avoid further damage.
    With a little luck the equipment may recover, but turning it on was not a good idea.
    I also hope for more answers that may help you in your case.

    All the best.

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