Why does my nitro v ANV15-51keeps shutting down by itself?

nnew Member Posts: 1 New User
edited May 2024 in Nitro Gaming

Okay so basically, i bought the laptop like 3 weeks ago and since then ive experienced this issue which is the laptop shutting down by itself randomly, theres no specific timing to this. And i dont know what caused this issue but its clearly not overheating since when i checked nitro sense the temperature was not above 85ºC, most of the time its around 60-80ºC and im still pretty new to this gaming laptop stuff. So i'd appreciate it if any of u guys can explain in further details. Thanks (Most of the time, this randomly shutting down issue occurs when im using game bar screen recorder while playing roblox)

edit: i forgot to include, after the laptop shuts down randomly the backlit keyboard shut downs as usual and the fan noises dissapeared, and like 2 seconds after the backlit keyboard turns on again but theres no fan noises and then the backlit keyboard turns off again by itself and sometimes i need to press the power button in order for the laptop to turn on again but on several occasions the laptop just randomly turned on by itself without closing any opened tabs (as if it were on a sleep mode) even tho i already set the settings so that it wont turn on sleep mode by itself.


  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,614 Trailblazer

    Uninstall all the pre-installed bloatware, trial versions of programs, McAfee and 3rd-party browsers, you need to download a special uninstaller from the McAfee website for that, disable syncing with Cloud, uninstall Hibernate/Fast Startup and reset Power Plan to factory default in "Edit Power Plan". reboot and check if it still shuts down by itself, Boot to Safe Mode if problem persists and if OK in Safe Mode you have to find the driver that is causing the problem with Safe (Clean) Boot in MSconfig.exe. https://www.guidingtech.com/a-complete-guide-to-using-system-configuration-tool-on-windows-11/ Don't forget to press "Apply" after each change in MSconfig.exe otherwise nothing will happen and when you finished unticking "Safe Boot" will stop the loop and return to normal boot.

  • crstnslv
    crstnslv Member Posts: 1 New User
    edited June 2024

    Hi! I had an exactly similar problem with my nitro v ANV15-51-53DG. I even had my first unit replaced but then the replacement still had the same problems. I searched throughout the internet for possible fixes and thats also how I came across your post. So there was this comment on reddit saying that things with magnet can interfere with something in your laptop causing it to turn off. Now I do recall that I always put my phone (magnet sticks on the back of my phone so it sort of has a magnet) on my laptop beside the touch pad. When I read it, I tried putting my phone on my laptop while using it and violaa it did turn off. Although, I am also not really that techy so I dont know about the technical stuff but I just wanna share my experience and hope this helps somehow.

  • Axxo
    Axxo Member, Ally Posts: 1,321

    Randomly shutting off has the following causes: Cooling fan either dead or not working properly - just check it. Processor getting much hotter due to excessive load / traffic to run - run few software at a time and rest close it. This is usually caused either by a bad battery, or by Windows not knowing the battery charge level correctly. Start by doing a calibration on the battery, so Windows knows accurately what the level is. Plug the laptop in and charge fully, then remove the power and let it discharge until it turns off.

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