Packard Bell Easynote ENTE69AP how to access advanced bios settings.

YURANIME414 Member Posts: 9


Hello everyone,

I have a Packard Bell Easynote ENTE69AP laptop with BIOS InsydeH2O version V1.04 and I have a question about how to access the advanced BIOS settings. I've already tried several standard methods, such as pressing the F2 or Del key during boot, as well as combinations of the Fn key with other keys, but without success.

Does anyone have any other ideas or perhaps specific instructions for this laptop model? I would appreciate any help or advice on how to access the advanced BIOS settings on my laptop.

[Edited the thread to add issue detail]


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,217 Trailblazer

    Any additional user options or tabs that may be available are revealed by pressing Ctrl+S anywhere inside the BIOS menu.

    Jack E/NJ

    YURANIME414 Member Posts: 9


    It doesn't work for me for some reason



    These combinations do not work

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,217 Trailblazer

    The only hotkey combination to reveal any hidden options is Ctrl+S. Thus if Ctrl+S does not reveal any other options, then they are not available to the user in the official Acer unmodfied BIOS. Sorry. Your other combinations are for older systems.

    Jack E/NJ

    YURANIME414 Member Posts: 9


    T There are no more options. If so or if there is any way to solve my problem, from the beginning I needed advanced settings to change the memory configuration for the video core. I bought 8 GB of RAM and the system put 4 on 4. One part just doesn't do anything. And the video core consumes a maximum of 0.5 GB .I was thinking whether it is possible to reset the bios to the factory settings, did it give something?

    YURANIME414 Member Posts: 9


    And increase the load on the video core

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,217 Trailblazer

    > >i[s] there is any way to solve my problem> >video core consumes a maximum of 0.5 GB> >

    The amount or percentage of shared RAM assigned to the integrated GPU is typically locked or fixed in the firmware by the BIOS manufacturer as specified by the laptop OEM. Adjusting it might be possible but only by making a request for a firmware modification from a 3rd party source like bios mods dot com. Neither Insyde nor Acer provides this information.

    Jack E/NJ

    YURANIME414 Member Posts: 9


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,217 Trailblazer

    Go to bios-mods dot com forum. Register. Then post your request on that forum.

    Jack E/NJ

    YURANIME414 Member Posts: 9


    P Just write that I need a bios in which the amount of memory for the video core is possible. Specify the version of the bios and the model of the laptop. And wait for an answer?

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,217 Trailblazer

    Yes. Just say that you'd like to manually adjust the amount of shared RAM available to GPU's vRAM. Specify your model number and Insyde BIOS version number. Nothing more. Keep request as brief and as simply stated as possible.

    Jack E/NJ

    YURANIME414 Member Posts: 9


    Hello, it's been a long time, but then I found another solution to the problem. I have another problem. I want to install two operating systems. One is Windows and the other fyde os well, after installation, it displays in the bootloader. My previous issue was resolved without bios modification

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,217 Trailblazer

    > >I found another solution to the problem> >

    It might be helpful for other PackardBell users if you could reveal your solution. Users trying to help other users is the main purpose of these user forums.

    Jack E/NJ

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,474 Trailblazer

    FydeOS seems to be a flavor of Linux, so likely is designed to use grub as the UEFI boot service. You will want to choose whether to instead of the Windows Boot Manager for choosing your boot environment. Either will work. You then need to edit the one you chose to have both boot points in it, the Windows boot partition and the FydeOS boot partition. You will also set your default and how long to wait for the user to choose something other than the default. From then on when you start up it will display the boot options and go to the default after some delay.

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
    YURANIME414 Member Posts: 9


    I It turned out that the system has 4 GB of operational shared memory with a video core. When necessary, it goes to the graphics or system

    YURANIME414 Member Posts: 9


    INAt the time of installation, everything is springy and does not want to be installed.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,217 Trailblazer

    > > I found another solution > >

    > >everything is springy and does not want to be installed. > >

    What was your solution?

    Jack E/NJ