Looking for a budget Gpu compatible with a Acer TC 1780, (500w PSU, info in description)

As the title suggests i'm looking for a GPU of any brand that would work with the Tc 1780 (specs below), i'm still planning parts and am on a budget of around $100-$150 for the Gpu, i'm also been considering a 500w PSU if that raise the compatibility options (Go from this PSU if it's easier). Will appreciate any help as I have little clue about this stuff.

Intel Core i5-13400 10 core
8GB RAM 3200mhz

Also I found this picture of the MotherBoard:

Considered 500w PSU (Acer compatible 6 and 8 pin + GPU cable):https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004882922455.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.206738danjICKP&mp=1

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