Will my Acer Predator PHN16-7173LT work ok without PredatorSense?

TimmyLee Member Posts: 126 Fixer WiFi Icon

I need to know if my laptop will function normally without the SENSE App? Things like cooling fans and all that? I don't seem to hear them like I did when the app worked, but I've made up my mind to live without SENSE gauges and options and keyboard lighting etc etc since the app doesn't work and Acer doesn't seem to know how to fix it or want to help us fix it short of sending it in to reset to factory settings. I know people who have sent their unit back twice and still have the same issue. I've put in too much time and effort to have to redo it all. I'm willing to sacrifice the things I wanted for what I paid but I want to make sure the laptop will function ok. Should I buy some kind of optional program that will do what SENSE is supposed to do?


  • puli
    puli Member Posts: 47 Devotee WiFi Icon

    It should work fine without predator sense. Remember that you can install a clean windows image without predator sense and the computer will function properly, so there is no reason why it cannot function properly without predator sense.

    you will miss out on being able to sense predators though… 😛

  • TimmyLee
    TimmyLee Member Posts: 126 Fixer WiFi Icon

    Well I just discovered that Acer has a January '24 update to their PredatorSense App for the PHN16-72 model but not for the Acer Predator PHN16-7173LT. Nobody knows why they haven't updated it yet since so many are facing serious complications with this software. But I installed the wrong one with a little effort and everything works fine now, except for my keyboard lighting. That looks like it's becoming a different issue, although it worked until SENSE stopped working.

  • puli
    puli Member Posts: 47 Devotee WiFi Icon

    That sounds very troublesome. I would be frustrated too. They probably don't have enough staff to support all the laptops they make? That's just my guess anyways… They make a LOT of laptops.