Computer crashing and tried everting but bios but its not letting me in predator po3-630

bandaM Member Posts: 3 New User
edited February 2024 in Predator Desktops

hello. I got a game that needed drivers updated. when i went to update the drivers the pc crashed mid update and go into a boot loop and i couldn't get out after trying 2 day of stuff. I sadly had to format my pc and reset from scratch. after that i made a save point and tried to update everything now that is fresh and it crashed again and had to go to my save point. i fresh installed. i stopped fast start up. uninstalled everything with DDU in safe mode. then the only answer i have found that might work is to update my bios and im scared to do it but i did anyway from acer website. from a2 to a4 but when i follow the instructions to download it doesn't give me a option to unzip the file. but when i got into it there is two files i can "unzip" but it just shows the files i already see and i click on them to see if they'll run and nothing happened. i got 7zip and WinRAR and every time i download it its the same thing even when i try a3 update. i called acer. windows and nvidia and they all want $150+ to fix it or get into some plan and i don't know if they could even fix it like they say they can. I need help ive been working days on this to be back in the same spot.

[Edited the thread to add model number to the title]


  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,732 Trailblazer

    Don't know what Windows version and PC your using but Windows security should have stopped the 3rd-party "drivers" installing unless you have security disabled. You may have malware on the boot drive. I recommend bringing the PC to Acer Services in your country to reset the system to factory defaults for a small service fee ($25 in the Philippines).

  • bandaM
    bandaM Member Posts: 3 New User

    thanks for responding puraw. im on windows 11 using a acer predator po3-630. im in the us. ill try and look for a acer service place close by

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    The PO3-630 is new enough that a clean install of Windows should get you up and running without fear of having some sort of virus. The BIOS update won't have changed that. It's a 'nice to have' but not a 'required' change. More likely some app or game that you installed is acting up, causing the crashes. Go ahead and redo the clean Windows install then do all Windows updates, with optional updates enabled, and see how stable things are. Once we know you have a stable system then we can look at reinstalling apps to see where the trouble really lies.

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  • bandaM
    bandaM Member Posts: 3 New User

    i formatted the pc and reinstalled windows threw a usb using a install tool kit. i downloaded it from the windows site and updated when i finally got back in. then i tried to download the drivers with no games or anything on the pc and it crashed halfway threw the update. unless i missed something. thats why i feel bios update or restart is my next option but i dont know how or its not working. thanks for the reply and help need all i can get.

  • Axxo
    Axxo Member, Ally Posts: 1,350

    Do you perhaps have the Predator Application running in the background when the freezing occurs? Turns out if you don't close the Predator App, it will cause short freezes of the computer.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    If you only have a vanilla Windows install done, then used Windows update to get the system up to current, it shouldn't be crashing. If it is crashing in that state then we're going to have to look at what the root cause is. If it works in that state then starts crashing when you install a particular driver, app or game then we need to know just which one is causing the issue. So take everything in baby steps. Do the initial install and test, then do updates and test, then do each driver or app install one at a time and verify everything is stable before going to the next.

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