XV282KKV monitor doesn’t work there is no picture and power button doesn’t show orange or blue.

Abdullahkh12 Member Posts: 4 New User
edited February 4 in Monitors

Hi guys,

I need a help here I downloaded firmware_acer_v_007 to update my monitor to new version and in monitor firmware upgrade tool it shows browser and update and click in update and after the update complete. it’s show to me the update successfully completed after that my monitor doesn’t work there is no picture and power button doesn’t show orange or blue. I only can charge my phone or my controller.

[Edited the thread to add issue detail]


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 44,697 Trailblazer

    Remove all cables including power from monitor. Press & hold power button for about a minute. Re-connect all cables. Turn monitor on first. Wait about a minute. Then turn the PC on.

    Jack E/NJ