My laptop wont turn on, It just randomly wont turn on now acer swift 3 laptop

MintyDraws Member Posts: 42 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
edited January 2024 in Swift and Spin Series

So I had this acer swift 3 laptop for about 4 or so years its been acting bit weird like the charger died last week so i got a new one then this week my laptop refuses to turn on. Nothing was wrong with it. It just randomly wont turn on now.

[Edited the thread to add model name to the title]
[Edited the thread to add issue detail]


  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,753 Trailblazer

    Some Swift3 models have their memory soldered but if find you have 2 SODIMM slots check if the models are properly seated, unseat and firmly secure the models again. Other things you can try:
    Check if there is a small pinhole in the back of your laptop (with a battery sign) and stick a pin in that hole till you feel it click (micro switch), keep pressing the pin for a few seconds. This will reset the battery.

    Power drain + CMOS reset: Open the back of the laptop and disconnect the battery cable from the motherboard. Locate the CMOS module (with 2 twisted wires Red and Black) and remove the coin battery. Shorten the +/- contacts inside the CMOS capsule for 2 seconds with a bended paperclip and put the coin battery back with the + sign facing up, close the CMOS capsule. Next, press the Power Button on the keyboard for 10-15 seconds after that reconnect the battery cable to the motherboard. Close the laptop, plug-in the adapter and try to boot.

  • MintyDraws
    MintyDraws Member Posts: 42 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    @Puraw got some more photos and few videos the other video was large so ill send it later but its just the laptop not turning on and is in black screen like i mentioned. It has gotten worst cuz now its been starting to do the white screen when im on and using the laptop.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    Does it trigger those events when you move the screen in or out slightly?

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  • MintyDraws
    MintyDraws Member Posts: 42 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    @billsey yes it started recently. like i have to have my screen at certain position to get it to not do white screen. but start up still wonkey

  • MintyDraws
    MintyDraws Member Posts: 42 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    @billsey yes it started recently. like i have to have my screen at certain position to get it to not do white screen. but start up still wonkey

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    If moving the screen affects it, the issue is very likely the cable that runs between the motherboard and the display. That is flexed each time you move the screen, so it's not too unusual for it to start forming internal cracks. You haven't told us just which Swift 3 model you have, and there have been a lot of them over the years. Your full model number is usually on the same sticker as your serial number, it should look something like SF3xx-xxx-xxxx. Once I know what you have I can look up the part number.

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.