Nitro 5 AN515-55 Insanely Slow and Laggy, its slow and taking 95% of memory while browsing

NickPlayz Member Posts: 8


edited January 2024 in Nitro Gaming

I received a Nitro 5 (AN515-55) for Christmas in 2021. It has worked great up until October of last year (2023). Lately, it has been so insanely slow and unsteady it's nearly unusable. Browsing the web alone takes up at least 95% of the memory, even whenever I close every application I can that runs in the background. Playing simple games struggles to get 4 FPS (E.G. ROBLOX Bloxburg), and it's so unsteady. It's gotten to the point I don't even bother to use it anymore, and I just deal with Edge on Xbox. I have 8GB of RAM, which I know isn't the greatest, but at least it was usable before. I've tried installing fresh versions of Windows, but it has no effect. I could play Fortnite & GTA V with at least ~100 FPS, yet now I struggle to browse with any browser (I've tried Edge, Chrome, and Opera GX). Are there any fixes that you could recommend until I purchase a gaming desktop in August? Replacing/ adding more RAM will probably be useless as I plan on getting a desktop and it's still just so unsteady. I update my drivers and everything, but it's just sitting below my desk in the meantime.

[Edited the thread to add model name to the title]
[Edited the thread to add issue detail]
