Possible upgrades for the UHD graphics 630 for the TC-875-UR12

As the title said, I''m wanting to upgrade the graphic on the pc. I've never had a compact tower like this and don't know what kind of graphics card I can replace the onboard card with. Also, if I need to replace the power supply, please suggest an affordable one. as that will play a part in the cost of the card. Thanks.

Best Answer

  • Ganynani
    Ganynani Member Posts: 5


    Answer ✓


    As you mentioned, there are some limitations when it comes to upgrading graphics on a compact tower like TC-875-UR12 PC due to the size and space constraints of the tower itself. Also, there is a intel's UHD graphics 630 which is an integrated GPU, meaning it's built into the motherboard and cannot be replaced.

    One solution to this is to add a dedicated external graphics card that connects to the tower through a PCI Express slot. This will require you to have an available slot on your motherboard.

    With the size and space constraints of the tower, you may need to opt for a smaller, low-profile graphics card like the Nvidia GT 1030 for editing purposes or the AMD Radeon RX 550 for good entry level gaming. It depends on your budget and use case.


  • Ganynani
    Ganynani Member Posts: 5


    Answer ✓


    As you mentioned, there are some limitations when it comes to upgrading graphics on a compact tower like TC-875-UR12 PC due to the size and space constraints of the tower itself. Also, there is a intel's UHD graphics 630 which is an integrated GPU, meaning it's built into the motherboard and cannot be replaced.

    One solution to this is to add a dedicated external graphics card that connects to the tower through a PCI Express slot. This will require you to have an available slot on your motherboard.

    With the size and space constraints of the tower, you may need to opt for a smaller, low-profile graphics card like the Nvidia GT 1030 for editing purposes or the AMD Radeon RX 550 for good entry level gaming. It depends on your budget and use case.

  • themero
    themero Member Posts: 49 Devotee WiFi Icon

    you have a few choices here , but the biggest issue is how big is the power supply . if its 300w your looking good , if its 180w then the GT 1030 is your likeliest candidate .

    If you have a 300w power the radeon rx 6400 4gb or nvidia GTX 1650 4gb model would be a great choice as they're small enough to fit in the tower and will work with a 300w power supply.

    as for the power supply you can check how big it is by taking a look at the label on the side of it . finding a bigger one can be quite hard as its not an off the shelf part you could get on amazon for example. plus by the look of the board it has to be a 6 pin motherboard connector ( standard 24 pin wont work unless your prepared to take a risk and use a 6 pin adaptor and void your warranty )