Where to get chip replacement or ciruit diagram for E5-576-392H

KenRiggleman Member Posts: 2 New User
edited November 2023 in Aspire Laptops

I have 6 model "E5-576-392H" laptops that won't turn on or charge their battery. They work fine if battery is already charged. They all died the same day when there was a power surge at our site. They are located in Africa where access to an Acer repair center is not readily available. I believe I have narrowed down issue to chip PJ8437 IV which sits across DC input. Is there anywhere online I can order replacement chips?

I checked resistance on DC input and it is essentially 0 so it is shorted by some chip being blown. The laptops still work fine on battery power until battery drains. When you plug in charger the green light on charger goes out and eventually flashes. Can anyone confirm that replacing "PJ8437 IV" is likely correct repair? I believe the chip is to prevent excessive and/or reverse voltage on DC input. Since it sits across DCN and is shorted, it would appear to me to be likely issue.

PJ8437 IV is in top left of circuit board pictured in

by #22 DC In connector and left of WLAN connector that above post is talking about.

and here is my picture of that section of board (see arrow in bottom right of pic)

Anyone have experience resolving this condition? I already tried removing bios battery and other online suggestions, but given DC input is shorted, it would not appear to be a software issue.

Best Answer


  • AnhEZ28
    AnhEZ28 ACE, Member Posts: 4,502 Pathfinder
    Answer ✓


    That is a diode "for working with the controller to measure voltage perhaps?" It is shorted when the charger is faulty causing shorted DC input. Here is the link for the replacement diode 1N4148WS-7-F guide that I have found: https://www.ifixit.com/Answers/View/513027/Laptop%2Bdoes%2Bnot%2Bstart%2C%2Bsome%2BSMD%2Bis%2Bblown%2C%2Bwhat%2Bis%2Bit

    Please remember to include @AnhEZ28 when you want to reply back to my comment so that I can check your response.
    Thank you and have a nice day!
  • KenRiggleman
    KenRiggleman Member Posts: 2 New User

    @AnhEZ28 Thanks so much for your guidance. While I found numerous posts that likely indicated a reverse voltage diode I wasn't sure if there was any variance in diodes used across various models of Acer Aspire laptops and I couldn't find a replacement part #. I went ahead and ordered 25 of diodes you recommend so I'll have spares. While I have an electrical engineering degree, I have minimal experience with hardware repair. Will it be easy to tell which direction the diode needs to go on circuit board as obviously that's vital to get right.