Acer Aspire 7 Expected Lifespan

Aspire7Issue Member Posts: 1 New User
edited September 2023 in Aspire Laptops

In 2020, I purchased my first Acer product (Aspire 7 laptop) with a 3-year service plan. In recent days, the machine died, and I have learned that it resulted from a GPU malfunction. Regrettably, this occurred shortly after the service plan expired. I had otherwise enjoyed using it, and would like to buy another Acer, but I cannot see doing so if it has a three year expected lifespan. I spoke with Acer's sales and tech support departments, and asked if Acer would offer a discount towards another laptop, but both advised that they are not authorized to offer such a discount, and are not aware of an Acer department that is authorized to do so. Can anyone direct me to an Acer contact who can assist?

[Edited the thread to add model name to the title]


  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,874 Pathfinder

    Laptops tend to stay for 5+ years unless badly abused, and 3+ is an easy goal to reach. I have had my Asus for like 6 years before switching to Acer. I have a Acer Nitro 5 that is 6+ years now, and a Nitro 7 that is 4+ years and still going strong.

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  • Hi Aspire7Issue and sorry to read that your Aspire 7 only lasted 3 years, which should not be happening for such a new laptop and a high end laptop like a series Aspire 7, you must have been unlucky and/or your laptop must have experienced a power surge, as a dedicated GPU burning out mainly due to a faulty mosat/capacitor in the power stage that is supposed to protect these components from high voltages is an unlucky thing to happen, especially when your 3 years extended warranty has run out, you must have broken a mirror or walked under a ladder as they say, to be so unlucky😁.

    I don't know what exact model Aspire 7 you have, is it a A517-xx / A715-xx or a A517-xxG / A715-xxG which have the dedicated GPUs. and if these dedicated GPU burn out, then the laptop still works on the CPU's integrated graphics and the laptop is not completely ruined, so consider that. Btw, and I know that its no help to you, but I've got 12 years old Acer laptops, and it still work perfectly, and this laptop has had 3 different windows OSs upgrades Win-7/8/8.1 and to 10 Pro and this laptop is still working perfectly, so don't be discouraged as you were very unlucky as this can happen with any laptop and not only with Acer laptops.

  • TemporaryTornado
    TemporaryTornado Member Posts: 2 New User

    My acer Aspire 3 broke apart after just 3 years - the right hinge cracked open for no reason (i was closing it, as usual, and CRACK! - the screen is opening up on the right side!) . Never even been carried around, never any impact damage.. One week later (like clockwork) the touchpad stops working. Tried EVERY remedy in the book (restart several times, is it on, is the driver updated, is there a new driver I can replace it with etc…). No go.

    I must say that the number of comments I have found describing this same issue (especially the hinge opening up for no reson) after just a few years is scary. If Acer do indeed respond to me, ans the OP described, that they can do nothing, then this was definitely my last Acer.