Acer TravelMate P215-54 laptop: Windows 11 L2TP VPN action needed

Abahaba Member Posts: 1 New User
edited August 2023 in Windows 11

After update from Windows 10 to Windows 11, L2TP VPN always asks for user credentials. VPN shows an icon with a red text: action needed. Event after successful credentials, next time VPN started - procedure asks again for the same user name and password. The problem is similar on both accounts (for users and administrators). Acer TravelMate P215-54 (the same tested also on HP EliteBook and Dell Latitude laptops) is a domain joined computer. The main idea why it happens, my guess, is related to Windows feature: "Automatically finish setting up a PC after an update or restart". But totally disabling all features (over GPO), related to "Automatically finish setting up a PC after an update or restart" or "Turn On Virtualization Based Security" didn't help.

VPN was created by powershell command:

Add-VpnConnection -Name "VPN" -AllUserConnection -TunnelType L2tp -AuthenticationMethod MSChapv2 -SplitTunneling -ServerAddress -UseWinlogonCredential -L2tpPsk "SharedKey123"

The main purpose of VPN usage is authentication of users during Windows logon. In this case VPN does not mention anything, because it always asks for credentials. In case of a new user, Windows creates user profile. And VPN problem remains.

Also users can successfully connect to VPN after local Windows logon.

[Edited the thread to add model name to the title]


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer

    VPN should always require credentials and there shouldn't be any way to disable that by design. Maybe they closed a loophole in W11 that existed in W10?

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