SF314-51 black screen and keyboard blinking

DVincent Member Posts: 7 New User
edited August 2023 in Swift and Spin Series


Like many other swift user my laptop is sick😣

When I plug the power adapter the Power led start orange and change to blue after some time , so the battery charge correctly.

When I power up, the keyboard and the blue led blink slowly and the screen stay dark no power up.

I've removed all the battery (bios + main battery) and power up, wait 10 min and replug everything it doesn't work.

Is there a magic trick to restore my laptop ?

Thanks for your help


  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,756 Trailblazer

    Have you replaced the battery yet after 7 years? it may have a dead cell. Check the voltage with a multi meter at the power adapter DC plug this should be 19 VDC, if not get a new adapter. Any PC OS need maintenance and monthly updates, check your resources and if sufficient (>50%) RAM is left for programs to run properly.

  • DVincent
    DVincent Member Posts: 7 New User

    Hi people,

    thanks to answer to me.

    MRWHOAMI_78 : it doesn't work. the fan run for 20 seconds and stop and the keyboard still blink slowly.

    Puraw : I change the battery and few month later the laptop die.

    I've bought equivalent battery AC14B8K from GreenCell.

  • DVincent
    DVincent Member Posts: 7 New User
    edited August 2023

    One more information. a long press on power off shutdown correctly the laptop.

    It seem like it stay in sleep mode.

    Logically it works with the power adapter ?

    When I plug the adapter the power blue led appears so the adatpter works and I've 19.71V on the motherboard.

    And I've 16V at the ouput of the battery on the motherboard

  • DVincent
    DVincent Member Posts: 7 New User
    edited August 2023


    MRWHOAMI_78 : it doesn't work. the fan run for 20 seconds and stop and the keyboard still blink slowly when I power up with the keys pressed.

    I've bought a new battery .

  • DVincent
    DVincent Member Posts: 7 New User

    With the new battery the problem is the same.

    I've remove all the useless materiel for booting : WIFI , HDD …

    And the problem is the same, I think the mainboard have a problem.

    Now I need to find some informations about the mainboard or a spare part.