A concern about the Acer nitro n50-640 some ticking noise was occurring.

Hydro190 Member Posts: 2 New User
edited July 2023 in Nitro Gaming

Hello, I’m concerned about the constant ticking, clicking noise as soon as my pc is plugged into a socket l, it doesn’t even need to be on, just plugged in. I hear a noise coming from the psu. I wanted to ask, is this something I should worry about? The thing is, I’ve bought 1 Acer nitro pc exactly the same 2 months ago and the same ticking noise was occurring, then ended up returning it. Today, I collected a new exactly the same Acer pc from a different company which was brand new. You may be thinking the psu is faulty but I highly doubt 2 different companies would give me faulty psu’s, im also not the only one out there; returning 1 pc and the second one having the same problem. There were no side effects whatsoever on the first time I bought the Acer nitro. I even performed a 30 minute stress test and everything was brilliant. As soon as I plugged the second pc I’ve bought (today) in, the same clicking noise was there. I’m wondering if this is a concern or just a normal sound amongst Acer computers, or psu’s. Tell me if it won’t break down after 2-3 years please reply as soon as possible, awaiting response.

[Edited the thread to add issue detail]


  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,621 Trailblazer

    I wonder about your utility power supply, try a power stabilizer/regulator or UPS if you measure unsteady voltage or possibly frequency issues at the wall socket or try another outlet (not an extension cord/plug), none of the PC reviews I read mention PSU noise, even compliment how quiet the desktop and fan is.

  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,469 Trailblazer

    First of all, Acer fits 2x 300W and 6x 500W different psu’s to the N50-640 desktop, which one do you have, as you can’t replace these psu’s with any of the modern ATX modular psu’s so you are stuck with what Acer fits oem to this desktop. A psu should not be making a clicking noise as and if your computer’s power supply unit (PSU) is making a clicking noise when plugged in, it could be due to the following reasons:

    Accumulated dust and clogged filters, which make the PSU fan work harder.

    • Faulty connections.
    • Improper installation.
    • Loose components.
    • Inadequate airflow.
    • Insufficient power delivery.

    If you hear your computer clicking, this is probably going to be the first place you should check. It isn’t uncommon for a power supply to be making noise, but a PSU making a clicking noise is something that needs to be investigated as soon as possible. To better understand why your PSU is making noise, continue reading this article 1.

    If your power supply is making a ticking noise, there are a few different ways you can fix it. Be sure to read through each option before you try to make any changes, as these require some manual fixes. In general, the less often you handle your power supply, the better it will be.

    You can try cleaning the PSU fan and filter intake, checking the connections and installation, or replacing the PSU if it is failing 1. If you heard a loud click and then your computer shut down, it could be that your power supply has failed. While you may think that is because it blew up or just died randomly, that probably isn’t the case. Instead, it could be that the power has shorted due to a loosened wire 2. Keep your computer shut down and remove the power cord. Next, check to ensure that every component has a secure connection. This includes:

    • The Main Rail on the Motherboard
    • The Secondary Rail Going to the CPU
    • The SATA Cables
    • The 4-Pin Molex Cables
    • Disk Drive Cables
    • Any Graphics Card Connections

    You want to ensure that everything is connected to both the power supply and whatever component it goes to. Sometimes, it could be the motherboard that has failed instead of the power supply since that gives some power to the motherboard 1. You can also check if your PSU was installed properly. If you build your computer yourself and your power supply is clicking with no power, it could be that you installed it improperly. It has everything it needs to work, but the power supply is sideways or backward. All boards have a specific orientation to install the power supply, and you need to ensure it is in the right direction. This is so important because the PSU needs to have optimal air intake and exhaust flow in order for it to work properly. If it isn’t, the power supply might not work, it may make a clicking noise, or it could even catch on fire.

  • Hydro190
    Hydro190 Member Posts: 2 New User

    I have thought about some of the reasons you stated that may be making that noise. You said maybe something wasn’t connected properly but I doubt that this would be the case in 2 different prebuilt Acer nitro n50-640 pcs from different companies. As the pc only needs to be connected to a power source not turned on, no fans can be causing a problem so can’t dust, airflow etc as the computer was just unboxed brand new out of packaging they and the fans weren’t even moving. The last time we bought the Acer, I played on it for 2 weeks and no side effects were seen before returning it because of the clicking noise which is quiet and can’t be heard if your just gaming next to the computer on your table, we brought it to a whole different house and same noise was occurring so we know it can’t be a power delivery issue maybe (both pcs done the same thing so it would be a very rare coincidence). I’m also not sure about the power supply and the PSU difference.. Even though that clicking sound is there the computer works as best as it could, no visual errors. I’m not the only one on Acer community having this exact problem, buying an Acer nitro n50-640 then returning it because of a clicking noise then buying a new one and that one still having a noise. Someone who claimed to have an Acer nitro said that this was normal for Acer computers and that he had it for 3 years, I don’t know wether I should believe this. Some say “oh that’s like a normal thing for computers” but others say “faulty psu” or something. I’m just saying it’s highly unlikely for it to be some of the reasons you mentioned as the pc is probably untouched and visually brand new packaged with the labels and stickers still on the computer 2 different pcs from different companies? Should I just keep it, I really don’t care about the noise which I can’t even hear when gaming but I’m worried the pc will be dead in 2-3 years.

  • papayatek
    papayatek Member Posts: 68 Devotee WiFi Icon

    very strange, my N50-640 doesn't have any clicking sounds from the PSU.

  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,621 Trailblazer

    Two brand-new desktops from two different shops having the same noise; unlikely an internal PC issue.