Predator Orion 3000 PO3-650not starting up after sleep mode ?

kwat Member Posts: 9


edited July 2023 in Predator Desktops

After having a break playing and putting the Predator Orion 3000 into sleep mode nothing would restart it again?!

Light on the on/off button comes on blue but thats about it.

Power disconnected and back on again, no change.

Any idea what might be the issue??

Computer is just 1 month old…

Thanks for any ideas!!

[Edited the thread to add model name to the title]


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    Typically on any Windows system if it's not waking from sleep the issue can be traced to an app or driver that doesn't do a good job of getting into sleep, causing a hang. Try running in Safe mode to see if you can repeat the symptom there. If so, it's like an issue in Windows itself, if not then it's third party software or hardware.

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  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,756 Trailblazer
    edited July 2023

    "Modern Stand-By" settings (S0-S3) in BIOS with conflicting Advanced Power Plan settings in Windows or some vendor's code can cause that, use Balanced Power Plan instead of the customized Acer Power Plan, disable the Fast Startup and hibernate options, check that Close and Open the lid are set to "Do Nothing" and reset your BIOS (press F9 in BIOS and save settings on exit). As the comment above, some apps don't work well with Windows11 Power Plan schemes, and it is best to close all programs & Apps before pressing the Zzzz (F1) button.

    If you cannot Wake the laptop (LED should be flashing, if no LED the laptop is hibernating or crashed), try to press the Power Button, if still nothing, keep the Power Button pressing for 10 seconds (don't toggle) to abort hibernating/hanging and press again to reboot. Insert a pin in the pinhole with the small battery sign, push the pin a few seconds after you feel a click (another method to reset).

  • kwat
    kwat Member Posts: 9


    edited July 2023

    Thx for your answers, but couldn’t make it work yet!

    For clarification its a Desktop

    Predator PO3-650

    Mfg date 2023/01/26

    Plus I’m helping out my son in this quest to get the pc restarted, so newbie to Windows (again) so please be patient and explain like for a five year old 😅😎

    Is there a magic windows keyboard combination to press to see something again on the screen?

    Because otherwise I cant change any settingts etc. at all… BIOS or else I guess 😎

    Thank you agin for your inputs in advance!

    [Edited the content to hide sensitive information]

  • kwat
    kwat Member Posts: 9


    Thx billsey & Puraw, but so far no improvement.

    It’s a Desktop - “Predator PO3-650”,

    Mfg date: 2023/01/26

    My main question is how can change any setting if it wouldn’t start in the first place??

    Some magic windows key combination to achieve this?

    Please be warned as I’m a newbie at windows and please explain as for a five year old 😅😎

    Thx again for your ideas

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    OK… With everything turned off, turn on only the monitor and wait for it to go through the initial splash screen and get to the no input screen. Then turn on the computer and watch for the Acer logo. If the logo never shows we know it's either an issue with the video not getting out or the motherboard isn't getting into POST. Double check to video cables and show us a picture of the connection at the computer side and again at the monitor side.

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  • kwat
    kwat Member Posts: 9


    So I did as said above, and No ACER Logo showed after switching the computer on 🙄

    Only the blue light from the ON/OFF button goes on when computer get’s powered up.

    All cables, connections where in the same spot and working before putting the PC in sleep mode. Checked and reconnected, no difference.

    Is there a next step for me/us to do ourselves ?


  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,560 Trailblazer
    edited July 2023

    First take the RTC/bios battery out and short the + & - pins, as this resets the super IO and bios chips if they are frozen, if that doesn't work then do a Clear CMOS. There is a also a Clearing CMOS for the Predator Orion PO3-650 from its SG so try that also, which allot of times makes a frozen PC work. If doing both of these resets doesn't do anything, then there are other mainboard and internal power and/or psu issues that you need to take your desktop to Acer support in your area or to an experienced technician in your area to fix.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    Thanks for the pictures. Do you hear any beeps at all when you turn it on?

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  • kwat
    kwat Member Posts: 9


    was listening out very carefully and no beeps at all.

  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    i know this won't help but that's why i don't like or ever use sleep mode on any pc they don't like it ugh, and i shut off all the hibernate etc. controls, and when I'm not using it i shut it off, i think the sleep function is terrible and it never works right, even for monitors let alone the pc, a brand new computer should never have this issue.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    OK, did you try Steven's CMOS clear suggestions? If you aren't getting any beeps then it's not getting into POST, and that's either something major or a corrupted CMOS.

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  • kwat
    kwat Member Posts: 9


    Will try the CMOS clear suggestion from Steven today and report back !

  • kwat
    kwat Member Posts: 9


    Did the CMOS pin reset to 2-3 for some time (1-2min), then back as it was to 1-2 position.

    Could not reach the “RTC” battery as it’s below the graphic card and didn’t want to mess with it taking out (warranty wise?!).

    After this maybe only “half procedure” still no difference / same as before, not even a beep…

    So not sure if taking the battery out and shortening is the issue it didn’t work at the end, but as said - if I claim Warranty not sure it’s smart to take the Graphic Card out ?

  • kwat
    kwat Member Posts: 9


    …how do I do those steps, if I understand correctly, if the screen, keybord etc statys black and PC is still “sleeping”.. 🤔😎

  • kwat
    kwat Member Posts: 9


    Thank you all for your help so far, as I don’t want to spoil the warranty with ACER I‘m now in the process of letting the professionals deal with it 😎

    I shall report back how this then went… 🤞🏻

  • miren511
    miren511 Member Posts: 1 New User

    Peut tu nous dire ce que tu as fait pour reparé ton ordie orion P03-650 le mien vien de faire la meme chose

  • johnmduk1
    johnmduk1 Member Posts: 1 New User

    Did you resolve this issue just got a po3-650, came across your problem, this might help others if the face it, you looked as if you tried everything, digging into the bios I noticed deep sleep mode, most of us are aware of hibernation mode.

    Which most folks instructed you to do, but it appears the issue isn't resolved by those suggestion, I believe to resolve it, turn off power and then remove the memory, its appears that deep sleep via bios reside there, if it works, go into bios, advance turn off deep sleep mode, this won't stop hibernation, that's done in windows.