CB317-1H acer chromebook, ads while im online chaos is there anyone i can email?

tempa Member Posts: 16


edited May 2023 in Chromebooks

i type in the info and…nothing!

wont go to the next thing.

naturaly the phone helpers had no idea.

is there anyone i can email?

[Edited the thread to add issue detail]

[Edited the content to add model name and issue detail]

Best Answer

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,667 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓

    That is normal if you are using the wrong site locale. For instance your serial number won't work if you bought the system in the Canada but are using the default US site or visa versa. Since different locales have different warranty policies they don't share databases for warranty. You can also get that when you are entering the number for a model that is old enough that it's not under warranty, in those cases it's better to put the model number in instead of the SN.

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  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,667 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓

    That is normal if you are using the wrong site locale. For instance your serial number won't work if you bought the system in the Canada but are using the default US site or visa versa. Since different locales have different warranty policies they don't share databases for warranty. You can also get that when you are entering the number for a model that is old enough that it's not under warranty, in those cases it's better to put the model number in instead of the SN.

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  • tempa
    tempa Member Posts: 16


    what is the correct site for Canada

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,667 Trailblazer

    I think you can get to the correct site here: https://www.acer.com/us-en/languages

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  • tempa
    tempa Member Posts: 16


    thanks for trying- but could not see it there.

    let me know if you find it

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,667 Trailblazer

    What computer do you have, how old is it, and what are you trying to do on the support site?

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  • tempa
    tempa Member Posts: 16


    CN317, bought last year.

    1:why does it not want to start some mornings?

    2:how do i stop the new page full screen ads?

    chome Version 112.0.5615.134 (Official Build) (64-bit)


  • tempa
    tempa Member Posts: 16


    edited May 2023

    ad opens in new window

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,667 Trailblazer

    I don't see a CN317 as an Acer model number. Your full model number is usually on the same sticker as your serial number, it should look something like xxxxx-xxx-xxxx.

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  • tempa
    tempa Member Posts: 16


    here you are, tho i doubt it will help!

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,667 Trailblazer

    Ah, CB not CN. A CB317-1H is one the 2021 17" models. When you say it does not start some mornings, what does it do? You open the Chromebook and it doesn't display anything until you press the power button? The full page ads thing is likely either than some malware has changed your home page or you have Chrome set to open the last pages you had, and you have gone to a bad page. Close all tabs except one such as Google and check your settings to what gets opened when first starting Chrome.

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  • tempa
    tempa Member Posts: 16


    malware on a chromebook. all the other guesses were wrong too. dont worry nobody else has solved the full page ad either, years old problem.

    tried the brave browser, but it had other problems

    Nor wanting to wake up is as you said. my last acer chromebook did not have this problem. we bought this one new last year from a reputable store.

  • tempa
    tempa Member Posts: 16


    here is a scam ad. is there any tracing i can do? I only included the top half

  • tempa
    tempa Member Posts: 16



  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,667 Trailblazer

    Open another tab and close that one. Check to see what your home tab is set to. Make sure the only tab that is open doesn't have the scam site on it. Make sure you don't have an addon installed that takes you to that site. Malware doesn't actually run on a Chromebook but there are plenty of ways a scammer can set you up to point to their site by default, as seems to be happening here.

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  • tempa
    tempa Member Posts: 16


    Scam always opens in a new window.


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,667 Trailblazer

    Yeah, it's still likely to either be linked to an addon you have installed or you have Chrome set to open it at startup automatically. What does Chrome settings say about your default startup sites and addons installed?

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  • tempa
    tempa Member Posts: 16


    have no addons- never have

    in Chrome any anything that can be switched off is off.

    "Chrome set to open it at startup automatically. What does Chrome settings say about your default startup sites and addons installed?"

    where will i find these?

    thanks for your help

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,667 Trailblazer

    If you hit the three dots at upper right in Chrome it should get you into settings. On the left choose "On startup" and see what is set. My guess is it's set to "Open a specific page or pages" and one of those pages is the problem child.

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  • tempa
    tempa Member Posts: 16


    On start-up

    Continue where you left off

    that would be normal pages like google.com, aol etc
