Exactly what model Chromebook am I using? Model N1903

Why would my Acer chromebook have an insert from the FCC identifying my Chromebook as a Notebook Computer Model N1903 despite the fact that the SKU is identical to my last Chromebook with which I had so much trouble because it kept idetiifying itself as a Gaming Chreomebook known as the Octopus. I could not get an answer from anyone at Acer to my questions about that problem and was not aware that I had the same model again! My SNID is XXX. And the sku I have identified under my name and it claims I've already registered this Chromebook but this one is brand new, although it was bought in 2022. My husband bought this for me when I was so exaspeated with the Octopus. I thought I could get by and not register my model number this time but I'm trying to set this one a real Chromebook and it is required. I'd like to speak to someone this time who won't tell me I'm wrong about this funky chromebook/Gaming/ Notebook Computer.
Please Exuse Me - I thought I was posting this as a question directly to Acer. I apologize for including this on a Community Bulletin Board!
[Edited the thread to hide sensitive information and to add model name]
Best Answer
Its best if you post some captions of this Chromebook Model N1903 Octopus as the N1903 as your Chromebook has other model numbers that its identified as, which will make it easier for us to advise you on.
Its best if you post some captions of this Chromebook Model N1903 Octopus as the N1903 as your Chromebook has other model numbers that its identified as, which will make it easier for us to advise you on.