battery memory effect Nitro 5 AN517-55-55wa how to fix memory effect?

Rami95 Member Posts: 33 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
edited April 2023 in Nitro Gaming

hey all if anybody knows, how to fix memory effect ? my laptop's battery fullcharge capacity was 90w and few days after the full charge capacity went down to 75w while showing the designed capascity is 90w, did anyone experience same thing ?

[Edited the thread to  add  issue detail]


  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,561 Trailblazer

    Lithium Ion batteries don't have this memory effect, the story promoted by bloatware vendors and the like about limiting your battery charging between 80%-40% to increase the battery lifespan has never been tested and this forum regards that as anecdotal. Disable Acer Care and uninstall all Battery Monitors/charge limiters, let windows do its job.😉

  • Rami95
    Rami95 Member Posts: 33 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    thank for your ur suggestions but to be clear, i know lithium-ion batteries don't have memory effect and i know about acer care center charge limit but i am still thinking its memory effect cuz eveytime i drain the battery and charge it back fully the full charge capacity varies between 65w to 78w! knowing the laptop is 2 months old and since this happened i tried many methods to remind the battery of its full charge capacity and its not working…the actual performance of it isn't decreasing much when it was shwoing 90w it was draining 15% per hour and now when its 75w it drains 20-21% per hour so if i will be gratful oif you got any solutions to try ( i deleted care center and still 100%= 78w)

  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,561 Trailblazer
    edited April 2023

    Hi @Rami95

    If you want me to see your question please click on "Quote" at the bottom of my reply or type @Puraw at the top of your questions.

    What Windows Version you are using (Windows11 22H2?).

    I have not seen that blue picture you show above; what Battery Monitor program are you still using?

    What you are writing cannot be right as a new battery should not have any wear the first 6 months unless it accidently got drained to zero as that will damage a cell. So either your battery capacity is not compatible (too low) with your laptop or has not been properly "registered" by Windows11, or you are using a 3rd party Battery Monitor that is interfering with Windows ACPI protocol

    When you install a new battery (you say the battery is only 2 months old) you have to charge it to 100% first than unplug the adapter and let it drain to 8-10%, then charge it again to 100% so Windows11 can register the charge capacity for the battery meter (only one time you have to do this procedure). If you are not doing that the Battery meter and Battery Report will give spurious values like the ones you mentioned above.

    The most critical issue is your battery model, are you sure you bought the correct model for your latop, voltage, 90 Wh (not the smaller 57 Wh model) and code?

  • Rami95
    Rami95 Member Posts: 33 Enthusiast WiFi Icon


    alright mate i will sort the details for you the best i can:

    1- the screenshot is taken from intel command center software (iGPU) and it reads the battery stats correctly same as Hardware Monitor software.
    2- windows version is 11-22H2 home latest (device is new i5 12500h with rtx 3050)
    3-FYI i purchased the nitro 5 earlier and it did this so went back to provider and they replaced it for me with another brand new sealed item as per their warranty (i made a big problem about it) so i thought it was defected and the replacement devoce wont have the same issue but…same after 7-10 days battery full charge capacity went from 90w to 75 even tho i did charge it fully 1st time i used it and drained it till 5% then used it afterwards normally but within few days the battery did decrease as i told you…the problem now is that this device is USA market version therefore i cant use acer officer warranty since i am in lebanon and there is no official Acer center here to report the issue for them so i am trying to deal with it as a none defect but as memory effect issue ( just to maybe i find a solution somehow) and yes its 90w correctly its even stickered below the keyboard

  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,561 Trailblazer

    It is @Puraw not @Purwa. I won't get alerts if you don't click on Quote at the bottom of my post or if you don't put my screen name properly😉

    Please run a Windows Battery Report to find out what battery is inside your laptop, a laptop manual picture is not telling you what you actually have inside. Type/paste the following line in the Command Prompt:

    powercfg /batteryreport /output %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\battery_report.html

    Open (double click) the "battery_report.html" file on your Desktop, print to PDF (right click on Print>Microsoft Print to PDF) and post that PDF file @Puraw Look at the Design Capacity mWh 2nd section at the top that should be 90,000 mWh like what that Intel app screenshot shows above. If your Initial Full Charge is/was 14% lower than the Design Capacity you either have a very bad battery (not original) or you let it drain to zero and a cell is damaged, no way you can have a wear of 14% in two months as that would indicate only 1 year lifespan (fake batteries have that type of poor performance but not originals). The battery reports also tells you Battery life estimates in hours at the end (for your model and original 90 Wh battery should be >10 hours).

  • Rami95
    Rami95 Member Posts: 33 Enthusiast WiFi Icon


    thank you for the follow up again, the readings are correct sir no matter if you get them from battery report or intel software you can see the exact same details from the battery report generated by cmd, so in case like mine with a sealed nitro device having an issue like this repeated in 2 actuall devices ( previous item and current one) what is the best thing i can do? and is there anything i can do to maybe fix? i understand your point and i want to add that i am a technical user i have delt with many laptops before nitro( hp pavilion gaming, lenovo ideapad, ) but 1st time i see an issue like this and i really wanna land on a solution regarding it…is it possible that Acer puts bad batteries in their products? not only single case in my case its 2 devices brand new having the same problem with no wrong user behaviour…

  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,561 Trailblazer
    edited April 2023

    You did not attach the full report, print to PDF what I asked for. The screen shots do not show 100% charging, why?

    IMO you have a bad battery or your adapter is not powerful enough to charge to 100%? List the capacity (W) and voltage of your adapter and model number too.

    Please realize that there are worldwide safety restrictions on shipping large batteries, you won't find any 4-cell 90 Wh batteries on the internet because airlines/shippers won't handle these. You can browse this forum (2021) and there is another Nitro 5 (same model) user that cannot find a 90 Wh battery and is using a smaller 3-cell 57 Wh model instead. There are also many cheap "refurbished" batteries on the market that die after 1 year (Asia)😐️

  • Rami95
    Rami95 Member Posts: 33 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    in case of full detials i uploaded the pdf version and the reason why it isn't charged fully because i was using battery charge limiter by Acer care center thats why it was showing that only 80% in the report, and the adapter i am using is 180w one 19.5V=9.23A, model: ADP-180TB F
    also thanks for mentioning the safety restriction details part which i wasn't taking it into consideration before and thats right, no 90w batteries are available to be sold online so true, but other than i have a bad battery now is there in ur opinion anything i can do to maybe make it gain more capacity, maybe someting can trigger the affected cell inside the battery pack or so i have low info about battery industry of laptops but i am really researching and trying things a lot hopeing it works bk as designed..knowing that everytime i drain the battery i get different fullcharge capacity varies between 75w to now this time it charged to 78w :/

  • Rami95
    Rami95 Member Posts: 33 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    pdf of the report

  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,561 Trailblazer

    Yes, these are my recommendations for you, Windows reports a cycle count of ZERO, that is not good for a 2 months old battery with daily use; it shows that you never drained the battery to its limit so Windows could not register the discharge range and all Windows values are questionable (and HWINFO, INTEL and all other apps that do nothing else than reading the data from Windows caches). The Design Capacity (just a marketing value, always inflated) is entered in the Battery Smart headers by the battery manufacturer that has no bearing on the actually measured Full Charge Capacity for that battery (always lower); on refurbished and clones the relationship is not even close as it may have 2 good cells and 2 "repaired" cells that usually lose their charge in a day.

    In absence of original 90 Wh batteries on the world market the Acer agent probably installed the highest capacity clones it could get from China with a capacity of 78 Wh (6 hours under normal use) which is not bad for such a powerful laptop.

    So set your Advanced Power Plan Battery value to hibernate below 10%, charge the battery to 100% and unplug the adapter, then either on idle or routine work (don't play games on battery only) discharge the battery till it hibernates (turns off the power automatically). Plug in your power adapter and let it charge without turning on the laptop till you see the blue LED (takes about 2 hours). Turn on the laptop and confirm that the battery meter (bottom right task bar) reads 100% fully charged, plugged in. Wait an hour (do some routine work) and run your battery report again; those are now the real values, if it states Cycle Count 1.

    You have 2 options, learn to live with your battery; hopefully it stays around 78 Wh for another 3-4 months and 5-6 hours work is good (same I am getting with a new battery in my a515-54G)


    Go back to the shop, complain that you want the full 90 Wh capacity with 10 hours power without the adapter plugged in and since this is the second laptop you got from them with the same problem ask to exchange it for the slightly smaller model Nitro 5 AN517-54-79L1 also with a 4 cell battery but with only 57.50 Wh capacity (8 hours with normal use). An excellent choice!

    Note: Careful disabling AcerCare it has some apps running at the background, in the registry and in Task Scheduler that, even after installing the console, still continue to update, monitor your system and may interfere with battery maintenance.

  • Rami95
    Rami95 Member Posts: 33 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    @puraw Hey mate just wanted to update you with the battery cycle recharge…i let it drain till 5% and turned off the device while keeping it plugged in the charger when its done reached 100% with charging status idle i ran the battery cmd report and apparently windows can't read or identify any charging cycle…weird battery behaviour really and in the end yeah..i will just learn to live with it since its how the budget gaming devices go…something must be functioning well :v

  • Rami95
    Rami95 Member Posts: 33 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    here is the full report