NITRO AN515-52 won't shut down and when wake from sleep its display won't come only black screen.

Kostavier Member Posts: 3 New User
edited April 2023 in Nitro Gaming

Dear Acer community,

My laptop Acer NITRO 5 AN515-52 doesn't shut down properly, it shows a black screen, and the keyboard backlight keeps glowing, I have to force shutdown several times by holding the power key or else it stays on until the battery is completely drained. Similarly, when I put my laptop to sleep or it goes automatically to sleep, it won't turn on; only the red backlight keeps glowing if the sleep time exceeds 30 minutes. It is been going on for a long time, and my warranty is also expired. It is not a Windows issue I have formatted my laptop many times as well as repaired the windows.

If you have any solution to this problem, I will be very grateful!

[Edited  the  thread  to  add  model  name  to  the  title]


  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,561 Trailblazer
    edited April 2023

    How do you shut down (or perhaps you log-off/sign-out (which does not turn off the power of the computer nor stop the power from retaining to the main components of the computer like CPU, hard disk, etc. It stops all the applications that were running before)?

    Instead of pressing the Power Button and forcing a shut down (not recommended) type this command in the command prompt to completely shut down: shutdown /s

    If that works there is nothing wrong with your laptop but either a registry issue (Reset this computer will fix that) or a Power Plan setting (Reset Power Plan to default).

    If after the above procedures you still have a Black Screen when waking up the laptop (opening the lid, pressing F1 Zzzzz)

    1. Check whether the device is allowed to wake the computer or not in Power Plan Advanced settings or "What opening the lid does"
    2. Run Power Troubleshooter.
    3. Turn Off Fast Startup (hibernate is a faster and a better option).
    4. Rollback the display driver in Device Manager.
    5. Uninstall and reinstall the display driver in Safe Mode with networking, or use DDU freeware also in Safe mode.
    6. Update your system BIOS.
  • Kostavier
    Kostavier Member Posts: 3 New User

    I tried the complete shutdown method, and it works! But if I shut down the usual way, sometimes it does, and sometimes it doesn't.

    I have tried options 1-3, but the problem persists (sleep and shutdown). Can you tell me how to perform 4 & 5 (YouTube links will work)?

    For reference, my Bios version is V1.28.


  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,561 Trailblazer
    edited April 2023

    Hi @Kostavier

    If you want me to reply please type @Puraw at the to of your questions or click on "Quote" at the bottom of my reply, otherwise I won't see it, just by chance I noticed your new post.

    I assume you are still on Windows10 22H2?

    Reset your Power Plan to Windows default, type/paste the following line in the command prompt

    powercfg -restoredefaultschemes

    Reboot and see if that fixed it. If not you have a registry issue that you can try to fix following the tuturial below:

    Option 3 in this link describes how to set the power button action in the registry

    Regarding the crashing (my suggestions 4&5)

    In Device manager expand Display Adapters>Properties>Drivers

    Uninstal the device and reboot, Windows will reinstall the latest driver, if you have also NVIDIA do the same if the crashing still occurs. There is a way to see what is causing the crashing in Event Viewer look for Critical Errors and check what module is causing the hang/crash. If it is a kernel boot issue open Security and Maintenance>Maintenance>Reliability Monitor

    Check for any red critical errors after a crash and open the problem report (at the bottom).

    If the uninstalling of the graphics drivers don't work you can start in Safe Mode by keeping the shift key pressed down + clicking on Restart in the Start Menu Power icon. Once in Safe Mode open Device manager and delete the driver. Many of us use DDU (free Display Driver Utility) that is explained by Intel:

    If this is too technical for you bring/send you latop to Acer Services in your country, even after the warranty is expired they will fix this but you may have to pay the estimated costs in advance. If it is just a software issue (that I descibe here) there will be small service fee only ($25).

    Note on Black Screens, many times just pressing the F5/F6 function keys (top keyboard but may be a different key for your model) will turn on a screen, try it😉

  • Kostavier
    Kostavier Member Posts: 3 New User

    Hey @Puraw thank you for your time! I tried all the methods and went for formatting the laptop again. Now everything seems fine!

    But I made a mistake while reinstalling Windows I accidentally formatted the recovery partition given by Acer with all the drivers. Can you help me how I can put all those drivers back there? The partition is still there but it is empty.

    One more question is it necessary to install all the drivers of Acer as Windows has already installed most of them?

  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,561 Trailblazer

    Happy to hear you are "up and running" again😀

    No need to install Acer drivers (whatever those may be), windows 11 will install/update the best one. You don't need Acer Care (nothing but trouble) but you may need their Quick Access app otherwise certain function keys won't indicate if they are open or closed like NumLock and CapsLock keys. Do you get an icon at the top of your screen when you press the CapsLock key? If you get the icon or an LED lights up no need for Quick Access either.

    There is/was an Acer Recovery partition that will Reset your laptop to Acer factory settings including all the bloatware like Norton and Office 365 trial, I have not heard from anyone who used Acer's eRecovery (see attached) we all use Windows "Reset this PC" or an ISO file with USB flash drive.