Upgrading a PO3-630 GPU I could buy a 2 fan 4070 so it keeps the watts down.

jl98 Member Posts: 12


edited April 2023 in Predator Desktops

Hi so I bought a couple of months ago a P03-630 which includes a I7-11700f, 3070 8gb, 16gb of ram, 1tb 7200rpm and a 512 SSD. Nvidia just released the 4070 like 5 days ago and apparently the wattage of that card is less than what the 3070 normally uses. It rarely goes beyond 210W and my power supply is 500W. Do you think I could upgrade to a 4070. I could buy a 2 fan 4070 so it keeps the watts down. Would appreciate some help. Thanks

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Best Answer

  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    edited April 2023 Answer ✓

    I'm sorry but I can't guarantee it will work. As far as I know, 4070s are pretty easy to drive… unlike the EVGA 3080 Ti I had earlier. I had to get another PSU because my year old top of the line Seasonic just couldn't handle the power spikes.

    I posted this link on another 4070 thread, but it has all 4070s listed in detail.


    FYI, I have Inno3D 4090 and just for fun checked that their RTX 4070 Twin X2 is one of the smallest in size (250mm). It needs only one 8-pin connector, which is nice.) But there are others just like it. I personally don't care about "LED pollution", so Inno is good for me.

    For the best chance of pulling this off with your current PSU look for a dual fan, non-oc'd and 8-pin card.

    EDIT: Check that your PSU has an 8-pin PCIe connector. If I remember correctly, it has one 8-pin and one 6-pin. If you go for a card that needs 12/16-pin connector, the card will come with an adaptor.


  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,556 Trailblazer
    edited April 2023

    No, the lowest PSU for the NVidia RTX4070 GPUs no matter if its got 2 or 3 fans for cooling you need a PSU of a min 650W capacity, you can't run an RTX4070 on the Acer PO3-630 oem LITE-ON or CHICONY 500W PSU, you need to upgrade the oem PSU to what I would suggest the best and a min output of a 850W PSU that will give you plenty of power to run all additional peripherals for your desktop, a top ATX PSU like a Corsair RM850x modular is one of the best PSUs around and will be a top PSU for gaming and general usage for your desktop. I can vouch for these PSUs as I've built desktops with these PSUs and their top power Corsair RM1200x SHIFT 80 PLUS Gold Fully Modular ATX Power Supply and it works great and has been working on one of the desktops that I’ve built perfectly that has an RTX3090 and supplying all the power that a water cooling needs for rgb lights fans and cpu, gpu and ram water cooling that it needs.

  • jl98
    jl98 Member Posts: 12


    thank you for your response, well im a bit confused because if you search the watt requierment for a 3070 it says you should buy a 650W minumum but its because my CPU only uses 65W. the 3070 only uses up to 250W. in the recent benchmarks the 4070 is barely touching the 220W line. so i dont think buying a 850W power supply is going to solve much in my case since i am not thinking of upgrading beyond a 4070, but the watts the 4070 use are less than what the 3070 is using. my question was more about the size and if i have the pins to install the new one

  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    It is hard to say for certain. The only way to know for sure is to try. A good quality PSU should be able to power "regular" non-oc 4070. The power draw of a 3rd fan is miniscule and will not make a big difference. But since the case is so cramped, it's a good plan to look for a GPU with two fans.

    If you have no need for HDD(s), you could remove the HDD tray/cage for more space and a bit better air circulation. There are few post about how to do it. All you need is a screw driver and drill out few rivets.

  • jl98
    jl98 Member Posts: 12


    thanks for your response, i was looking at a asus 4070 that has 2 fans so im going to measure the size of my gpu and compare it but there should be no concern regarding the pins and the wattage of the 4070? it should need 20 watts less than a 3070, should have no problem there right?

  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    edited April 2023 Answer ✓

    I'm sorry but I can't guarantee it will work. As far as I know, 4070s are pretty easy to drive… unlike the EVGA 3080 Ti I had earlier. I had to get another PSU because my year old top of the line Seasonic just couldn't handle the power spikes.

    I posted this link on another 4070 thread, but it has all 4070s listed in detail.


    FYI, I have Inno3D 4090 and just for fun checked that their RTX 4070 Twin X2 is one of the smallest in size (250mm). It needs only one 8-pin connector, which is nice.) But there are others just like it. I personally don't care about "LED pollution", so Inno is good for me.

    For the best chance of pulling this off with your current PSU look for a dual fan, non-oc'd and 8-pin card.

    EDIT: Check that your PSU has an 8-pin PCIe connector. If I remember correctly, it has one 8-pin and one 6-pin. If you go for a card that needs 12/16-pin connector, the card will come with an adaptor.

  • jl98
    jl98 Member Posts: 12


    thanks for the card recomendation. it looks like a good option, between the inno3d and a pny 4070 those seem to be the smaller ones, the wattage of the pny seems to always stay below 200W. my current card easly goes to the 220s. i guess the questions seems to be if i could fit the card in. my 3070 seems to be a custom acer card, in nvidia inspector it says its a Saphire 3070. the thing in my country there is no way i could buy a 4070 and test it with a warranty. my country currently is not selling the 4070 and i doubt they will sell the PNY or INNO3d variant. i took some pics and it seems that the clearance for a card is too specific to the model it includes, unless someone who lives in USA tries to change it to a 4070 its probably to risky for me to buy it and bring it to my country. i do have a 8pin and a 6pin connector which both the Inno3d and PNY verto use a 8 pin. ill attach some pictures so you can see the pins and the clerance. still thanks for the tips tho

  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    It is a good plan to measure your current card and compare it with possible candidates. I had 3070 that was almost identical with Zotac RTX Twin Edge:

    • Slot Width Dual-slot
    • Length 232mm, width 141mm and height 42 mm
    • TDP 220W
    • Suggested PSU 550W

    The GPU PCIE slot placement on your motherboard is following some standard. Therefore you shouldn't need to worry about the small clearance above the card. Well, unless you pick a card that has actively cooled backplate. I don't even know if there are any, because it'd be waste of money and overkill.

    About yout last pic. Your card has a supporting bracket at the end of it. You can remove it if you are not planning on moving your PC a lot.

    I can't remember how much space there is between the card and the PSU. I suppose none of the 4070s are that much thicker than my 3070 used to be.