Peredator po3-640 PSU Wire Extension.

EcoSpeed Member Posts: 4 New User

Hi Everyone,

I got my hands on a PO-640 for cheep and im looking to do a case change. The ATX12VO wires are not long enough for the case I want to use for the Mobo. I was wondering if I can just get two new 2x2 4pin extentions fror the ATX_12V1~2 like this. and a new 6pin extention for the ATX_Power like this.

Thanks for your help.

Best Answer

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓

    Those connector types have keying done by changing the shape of the plastic around the pins. If that cable matches the socket on the motherboard then I see no immediate reason it wouldn't work. If you look at the six pin connector, three of the pins are square and three have a couple of rounded corners.

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  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    I'm not 100% sure (as in I won't take the responsibility if the magic some comes out], but with right tools you could easily make a longer cable yourself and keep using your current plugs/connectors.

    Bacially all you you need is some cable, pin removal and crimping tools.

  • EcoSpeed
    EcoSpeed Member Posts: 4 New User

    I'm not sure what you mean. The PSU is non-modular. If I removed the pins then the only way to extend the wire is to soder a new one on, then put the pin back on the new end. I'm ok with doing this, but im tring to find a better way.

  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    My bad. I forgot that the PSU was non-modular. Sorry!

    I hope you can find a definitive answer to your guestion. Otherwise you may have to extend that cable yourself. I guess an electrician would do it for peanuts as it takes few minutes with right tools.

  • EcoSpeed
    EcoSpeed Member Posts: 4 New User

    No worries. Any one with input helps! I hope someone will be able to help as well. My thouht is the extentions should work as long as the pins are the sam on both ends.

    And your right and electrician can do it for cheap. because I am one. 😂

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓

    Those connector types have keying done by changing the shape of the plastic around the pins. If that cable matches the socket on the motherboard then I see no immediate reason it wouldn't work. If you look at the six pin connector, three of the pins are square and three have a couple of rounded corners.

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  • EcoSpeed
    EcoSpeed Member Posts: 4 New User

    Well no one said it was a bad idea so I gave it a go. everything worked out. I had to use a 8-Pin (6+2) PCIe for the ATX_pwr and had to snip off the keying on the connector, But that was tho only adjustment.

    Thanks for the help.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    Glad I could help.

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