nvidia fe vs acer branded vs other 3rd party gfx cards would none of them give me better performance

chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
edited March 2023 in Predator Desktops

ok so here goes, i have asked several ppl here and read a few articles and watched a few youtube videos, the concensus is nvidia uses the highest quality parts in the FE cards and they should be better quality than others, but they allow other manufacturers to change things etc and possibly make them better with better internal parts so no 2 are equal, im looking for a 3070 backup since ya can barely get anything new, i dont plan on upgrading the card anytime soon or my 2 brand new 1080p monitors, and i really like the acer branded 3070, but i want a backup just incase, i can get used ones on ebay for 300 or less, is it worth it, and what other options do i have? i want to hear input from you guys and what you would do if ya had around 500 for a card, and why are they so hard to find and so expensive, and how long would i have to wait for a brand new nvidia FE one ? so im asking would the nvidia fe be better than the acer branded one or would a 3 fan option from another manufacturer be better? or would none of them give me better performance? and trust me im rocking now at 156 fps at 1080p so i dont need much more just wanted a good quality backup for now. and remember im talking 3070 RTX only i dont need or want anything else.

[Edited the thread to add issue detail]


  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,526 Trailblazer
    edited March 2023

    Hey Joe how yah doing, just remember that with all used cards you are taking a big big risk, especially the high prices they are for even a used card, as buying a potentially overclocked and abused gpu card that could go wrong at any time, is not a real good move or investment.

    The best is to buy a new gpu card with a 1 year warranty, as even new gpu’s are not 100% foolproof in their construction, as their chips and parts like and for example, the Gigabyte cards had memory chips built in 2018 that were used on GTX and RTX cards that were faulty and most of them broke down and needed their chips replaced at great cost after the warranty expired, as that is when these chips broke down and could happen.

    With the RTX-3070s I would get an EVGA RTX-3070Ti as they have a good reputation of a well-designed board with good applied and designed cooling and built quality, as in most cases these manufacturers don’t even apply their thermal pads properly or have adequate cooling and/or pads and they overheat and that applies to ASUS gpu's also. If you want to see what happens to GTX and RTX cards when they break down and need servicing, have a look at northwestrepairas this guy is a genius and an expert repairer of gpu’s which not many technicians can do or have the micro soldering skills that this guy can do as most gpu’s and their chips are robotically soldered and built by their manufacturers, but this guy does it all himself, so have a look at his channel and what he thinks as he designates and owns an EVGA gpu and he thinks very highly of them. Keep well Joe and keep on computing😁👍

  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    im good steve how are you doing ? well i wasnt sure about used ones, but i figured if i could find one on ebay that accepts returns and was under 350 ide get it and try it out, i really want a nvidia founders edition 3070 or 3070 Ti just for backup incase this acer ever fails and there is not much available, i have been researching and searching all the sites i know that sell pc parts new and or used or open box lol its very slim pickings, and my 3070 is 11.5 inches long so do i need to get something that exact size or what? and that card you suggested is 1000 dollars and out of stock lol. and steve since you know everything haha how does my acer branded 3070 compare to the nvidia fe version or anyones elses 3070 version for that matter ?

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    I think that it's not really a wise investment. Card avialability does change slightly from time to time, and we all remember how tough it was to get them during the COVID crisis, but if you look at the longer term they are almost always easily found. If your card fails at some point in the future (which isn't likely) you just buy whatever you can afford then. That's more likely to be a newer, faster card than you have now. If you have a need for a second card in the system now, due to too few ports perhaps, then it might make sense to buy a second card. I'm running four monitors and a VR headset on mine, so had to provide an extra port, but I did it with a dock rather than a second card because the cost was so much lower. Note that I'm not even trying to game on that last display…

    Just for reference, I have two gaming displays on DP (both 1080P), a 4K on DP, a 1440P on HDMI off the dock and the Acer VR headset on the last HDMI on the GPU.

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