VR - why it won't install with current drivers.

BillWar Member Posts: 2 New User
edited March 2023 in Nitro Gaming

So I bought this system because the hardware requirements do (more than adequately I might add) support my HTC VIVE COSMO Elite VR set. So when I go to install it NVIDIA says I need a RTX3060 or better GPU, when oddly the RTX3050 that came with my system is more than sufficient. So who do I send my attorney after? To Acer for selling system that advertises “VR Ready” whose gpu supplier says other wise thus indicating false advertising on Acer's behalf? I see that “OEM” also indicates that the GPU is also supported by computer manufacturers, because I used to work at Microsoft, OEM is for builders! So you go get a HTC VIVE Cosmo Elite, and set it up on your NITRO50-640 and tell me why it won't install with current drivers.

Kinda ticked, I also don't like Steam being involved with the VIVE install process, but that's my issue with VIVE and Steam. I can get my VIVE to work on my MACBOOK PRO 2019 i9 9th gen. Works great on Radeon, until the MBP heats up, and why I bought the Nitro50 which won't install the driver (according to Steam). Driver installs are the machine's issue, not Steam! Don't want to hear any excuses. Make this $1600 ($800 computer, $800 VR) SETUP WORK AS ADVERTISED!! Which INCLUDES HTC equipment also. Works on Mac which don't advertise VR on it's platform.

[Edited the thread to add the issue detail]


  • vanessajonckk
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  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,381 Trailblazer

    The VIVE Cosmos Elite should work perfectly on your Nitro N50-640 desktop with the RTX3050 as the VIVE COSMO Elite gpu specs show and your RTX3050 gpu has a way higher specs than the minimum or the recommended gpu specs require. The best way to connect is to use the DP port which you should have on the RTX3050 and how the VIVEAbout the converter for VIVE Cosmos Elite” shows. Try the latest Nvidia RTX3050 Win-11 GeForce Game Ready Driver Version: 531.18 WHQL and also get all the Intel drivers up to date and install the Intel® Driver & Support Assistant and do a scan of your system and install all the latest drivers for Win-11,

    Also make sure that all Win-11 and its windows updates are up to date, also update the N50-640s bios to its last bios Version: R01-B0. Try all that because the RTX3050 should definitely work with your N50-640 and its RTX3050 gpu for this VR. Otherwise and as you say that Acer advertised that the N50-640 desktop that advertises “VR Ready” get a copy of this advertisement as your proof, and contact Acer about this and see what solution(s) you can come to, otherwise you have another solution/choice and that is to change the gpu to an RTX3060 or a better gpu that “NVIDIA says you need an RTX3060 or better GPU” so that this expensive VR can work for you.

    Connecting the Converter guide from VIVA VR page

  • BillWar
    BillWar Member Posts: 2 New User

    Hey Sir (Steven), thanks for responding and confirm that my VR should work. In fact HTC says a GTX1060 is suffice, but seems that's a bit dated right? The RTX 3050 should handle everything a GTX1060 can do - plus, right? I spent 8 hours, reinstalling, wiping, driver updates, the whole schpeel. I remember all that from my Windows 2000 pro days. After Win2Kpro, I went Mac. Tired of fixing my PC machine and just wanted to figure out what a computer is for. Great one can fix a car, but do you know how it drives? On windows, I never got out of the driveway much. Much like an old Volkswagen beetle leakin oil all over the driveway. So I went Mac, cuz they went Intel. Now they're not, and I fell off the train into pc. PC has F1 2022, Mac don't. As long as you don't have mission critical work to complete, PC's are ok for gaming. Still not enough choices!

    My thoughts on the RTX3050 driver is that NVidia omitted the 3050's VR capability in the driver so that the stockpile of more expensive 3060's can be depleted. If that is the case what a screwed way to do business, unless Nvidia is trying to take Acer out of the race of competition by destroying Acer's reputation as I am sure Acer has a stockpile of 3050's Nvidia is trying to obsolete. I do think it's weird a company like Acer says one thing and its component supplier says another. If that ever happened at Boeing you can guarantee swomething like that would make the news. Yea, I know Acer doesn't have the build cycle Boeing does but still.

    Yep very familiar with connecting up the adapter. I got to learn which USB ports were 3.0 too. Like I said my 2019 Macbook Pro i9 9th gen runs my VR fine until the computer warms up. Once the fans come on, it's time to take a break. Steam says to use direct something (which don't work). The VIVE window keeps scrolling "No HMD driver installed." Nothing found in Dev manager regarding HTC, hard to say what's going on. The bios is updated as it did so on intial startup all that personalization setup stuff. (gawd winblows is bloatware and popup central!! How do you get any work done on PC??? MacOS, Solaris, and Linux will spoil a person, but they're also getting work done.) Kinda sad corporations find it more important to flood your machine with ads than to let you work and make money to buy more stuff. Advertising - what a way to invade personal space. I didn't buy Acer because of advertising, I bought Acer because I knew the name from 30 years ago and shocked they were still around - but I digress…

    Tried other cards, no workie either. Intel Arc is too new. Radeon (cuz I have Mac's) is a power hungry beast which chokes up my little Nitro 50 power supply. The RTX3050 has one 8pin power plug, Intel - 8 and 6pin (on both A750 and A770), Radeon two 8 pin plugs. Got 300FPS with Intel Arc on high settings (Arc can't do VR yet), got a bunch of post beeps with Radeon.

    Seems the most reasonable thing to do is get the Nvidia driver to work. Not buying a 3060 when I just got this machine. Someone at Acer should have had better foresight, or someone at Nvidia should have been more honest about their future plans about video card drivers. If my Bootcamp Mac can run my VR there is no excuse on PC whose specs are better than the Mac's.

    Would like to know if there are others who are experiencing this same issue. And if not what the solution?