TrueGame – Frequently Asked Questions: 3D

Ingrid-Acer Administrator Posts: 3,421 Community Administrator
edited July 2023 in SpatialLabs

1. What do I do if the 3D effect feels too strong/weak? 

Use the hotkeys shown in the overlay to tweak Depth and Popout settings to your liking. 

2. Is it possible to temporarily disable the 3D effect while playing? 

The overlay displays a hotkey for toggling 3D on or off during gameplay. 

3. What is the difference between 3D+ and 3D Ultra? 

3D+ is a rendering mode optimized for performance and compatibility, while 3D Ultra is optimized for the best 3D experience at the cost of higher performance requirements. 

4. What do I do if the game starts without 3D? 

Shut down the game then restart TrueGame and try launching the game again in 3D. 

5. Where should I go for additional help? 

The peer-to-peer TrueGame forums is always the best place to go. Feel free post your question and ask for help

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