Forza Horizon 4 not detected by True Game app get error if I manually select EXE-file PH315-55s-SL93



  • Tokyo01
    Tokyo01 Member Posts: 20 Networker

    Hello @Mary_1996 - I run the Microsoft Store version and it is likely that it in reality only is the Steam version of FH4 which is properly supported by Spatiallabs and the TrueGame application. I am not a technical expert but I have a feeling that the issue is caused by the Microsoft version not allowing the TrueGame app to access necessary files due to the system only access permissions that FH4 is installed with.

    Steam versions of games and other Microsoft games are installed into different folders and without system only access permissions.

    Having that said, I assume that it still should be possible for the Spatiallabs development team to develop a workaround in collaboration with a Microsoft for FH4.

    I checked if it is possible to download and install FH4 from Steam, but that seems to require a repurchase.

    For now, I will enjoy FH5 which works fine.