Operating system issue on 713 Spin-1011U

Becka61 Member Posts: 2 New User
edited January 2023 in Chromebooks


I bought a Spin 713 in 9/21 for my grandson to use for school. A couple of months ago, it started crashing out of nowhere with the chrome o/s is damaged aor missing message. I took it to a repair shop and thought it was fixed. It is not. It keeps doing it over and over. The repair shop is stumped. I have done some research and it seems the units that were manufactured on 11/21/2020 as well as some manufactured in December 2020 are having the same problem. Some who had it happen while under warranty were sent new ones by Acer. If they know there is a problem, they should own up to it. Has anyone successfully repaired this? I will never buy anything from Acer again! Thank you!

[Edited the thread to add the Title ]


  • Jack22
    Jack22 ACE Posts: 4,318 Pathfinder


    1. Press and hold Ctrl + Alt + Shift + r.
    2. Select Restart.
    3. In the box that appears, select Powerwash 


    Follow the steps that appear and sign in with your Google Account.

    1. Note: The account you sign in with after you reset your Chromebook will be the owner account.
    2. Once you've reset your Chromebook:

    Click on 'Yes' if the comment answers your question!
  • Becka61
    Becka61 Member Posts: 2 New User

    It's on the missing or damaged screen and its not doing anything when I hold down those keys.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,667 Trailblazer

    What's the full model number? It should be on the same sticker as the serial number and look something like CP713-xxx-xxxx. Depending on the model it might or might not have an eMMC drive soldered to the motherboard. Although those drives fail much faster than a typical SSD it still shouldn't be gone at under 18 months of age. Those symptoms do tend to point toward a failed or corrupted drive though.

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • ajlh
    ajlh Member Posts: 1 New User


    Did you ever resolve this problem? I have also the "missing or damaged" error message; i have reloaded the Chrome recovery programe (with difficulty) several times, but the problem just recurs a few days later

  • Shanshanzhou
    Shanshanzhou Member Posts: 1 New User

    Same issue here. Mine is CP713-2W-3311 Model N19Q5. MFG 2020/11/11. It has become completely unusable now cause it'll show the message right after I re-install the system or within few hours of re-installation. Please let me know you if anyone resolve the issue .

  • prusk
    prusk Member Posts: 2 New User

    I am seeing the exact same issue. Model: CP713-2W-5874. MFG 2020/11/21. Reinstalling the OS from a thumb drive worked a few times, but now I can't recover it at all. It's pretty clear from some light internet research there is something wrong with this batch of 713s. Does anyone know if ACER has addressed this at all?

  • mkinneymn
    mkinneymn Member Posts: 1 New User

    I'm having the same issue with a 713 manufactured 11/11/2020