PO5-640-UB11 MODEL-new problem

chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

ok so this one may be hard to explain but I'll try.....so each night i set a screen saver for my login screen but its blank and i shut my monitors off and turn the fans on auto and shut the pc lights off....yesterday i did like i always do i turn both monitors on then hit enter a few times and i normally get my login screen...this time i didn't both monitors backlights were on showing me they had life but oddly the pc was flashing the fan lights going through the all the colors i have only seen that 2 other times i don't know exactly what that means but something is wrong lol...so i did all i could do then gave up and called geek squad and of course without me being able to login and get to the desktop about all the agent could do was make me an appt for 2 days later..I'm like wow 2 days without my pc i was pretty upset like anyone would be....so for like 5 minutes I'm sitting there going what could it be my main monitor is an acer predator 27 in and then i have an hp gaming one for my 2nd its 24 in...both are hooked up to the desktop using high quality display port cables bought at BestBuy....so i just decided to change the acer one to the HDMI cable that came with it and unplug the display port that came with it and boom the hp monitor came on but not the acer and showed my login screen...I'm like WTF but happy so i logged in and said ok it's not the pc....then i unplugged the HDMI from the acer and hooked back up the DP cable and still nothing so i said well let's try shutting it off and turning it back on and boom it worked again very odd and strange i know so i called back geek squad to cancel my appt and have them remote in and check out the pc and run a tune-up as they call it and they found a few corrupt files etc. but said nothing would cause that...anyone else ever have this problem or have any ideas what could be going on? and about the only other info i can provide you guys with is there both g-sync and that is on for both. and i apologize ahead of time for all the text but i figure if I'm asking for help i best explain everything.


  • NeoGeo
    NeoGeo Member Posts: 157 Skilled Fixer WiFi Icon
    edited January 2023


    Came across a similar problem both on my PO7 and Alienware R13 - mine was the PC's not waking up from the sleep setting or going to sleep properly ( rbg lights still on in case and fans )leading me to the conclusion its got to be a windows problem, the solution i found was to logout of windows first before putting it into sleep and this fixed that. I have a 27 inch monitor and 55 inch LG oled connector to my Acer, and very rarely when switching between, one or both of them lose display and the only fix in that situation is a full restart, again it seems more of a problem within windows causing the handshake problem.

  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    edited January 2023

    we'll all my sleep and hibernation options are off .... even the ones hidden deep in the settings. the acer monitor has no sleep option i can find in its settings and the hp does and there off.... i just use the screen saver with no actual screen saver selected it is set to none.... the logon option is checked so nobody can get into my account.... i have a few accounts on my pc for my kids and granddaughter so they can use it if they need to, but they rarely do. i was thinking it was a display port problem maybe i notice when i shut off the HP monitor first the Acer one flashes a black screen before coming back on and if i shut off the Acer first the HP flashes several times a black screen it's really odd so i wasn't sure if that was a problem with the v-sync option or what and when i run one with HDMI and one DP i notice the one with HDMI doesn't look nearly as good. so, I'm just searching for answers i called both acer support and geek squad and they have no idea of course so i was hoping maybe one of you guys experienced something similar. and your right NeoGeo everything is a windows problem nowadays Haha or its the gfx card again ugh i hope not.

  • NeoGeo
    NeoGeo Member Posts: 157 Skilled Fixer WiFi Icon
    edited January 2023

    It does seem v-sync/g-sync related, so when i'm running both monitors duplicated, g-sync is enabled, so if put on the TV while my main is on, then then defaults to 1080p and both work together, as soon as i turn off the 27 inch montior, the LG TV flashes for a second, low latency mode is enabled, switches to 4k with it's hdr setting ( also the 27 inch is on DP and TV on HDMI) - i really don't think it's the graphics card or the system itself, because those flashes between turning off monitors happens to me on both my systems, it seems like that's the point they negotiate a handshake and sometimes that can fail.

    Edit : Another thing to check is if the refresh rates of both monitors

  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    edited January 2023

    ohh yeah ok well that's good to know yours do the same thing the flashing etc. and i meant g-sync Dunno why i said v-sync i don't think that's a thing lol and i have my monitors on the max refresh rate each is capable of the HP is 145 and the Acer is 240 and i have them set on extend not duplicate i only use the HP to monitor my outdoor security cameras and predator sense and both are 1080P. let me know if Ya can think of anything else i appreciate the help.