Why is my AN515-43-r0ym performing poorly How do I get back to my smooth gameplay?

41 Member Posts: 1 New User
edited December 2022 in Nitro Gaming

I have purchased this laptop about a year ago, and all was well. I was able to run the games I wanted to at a stable frame rate while being able to keep my fan speed low and gpu and cpu temps low as well. A few months after purchase the I was receiving frame drops in games I never had before. I tried optimizing the laptop, elevating it to reduce high temps, and scaling down visuals in game to make it easier on the laptop. I have drivers installed & updated and yet I am still receiving this problem . Now I’m at a standstill, when I use NitroSense if I want to play at a constant frame rate with no fps drops I must keep my fan speed on maximum, my batter at high performance, and my AC at power saver, if I change my fan speed to Auto I will get fps drops, if I change my AC preset to anything but battery saver I will get frame drops. Sometimes it doesn’t even matter if I have my NitroSense settings on max I will still receive frame drops down to single digits, and then go back to my 60-100+ gameplay. I’ve factory reset the laptop many times and get the same issue without having done anything yet, I’ve cleaned out the fans, etc. How do I get back to my smooth gameplay I had when the laptop was first purchased?

[Edited the thread to add the issue detail]
