no signal to monitor after power failure

toohip Member Posts: 1 New User

I have an old Acer AL1714, that has a tendency to not get the signal from the desktop after a power failure.  I've managed to restore it in the past, but didn't write down how I did it.  I understand from googling this phenomenah it's typical of older Acer monitors.  The monitor was working perfectly before, then power failure and "no signal" goes right to standby.  Tried unplugging, holding power button for 30 seconds, reconnecting everything = nothing.  What is it with these older Acer monitors that has this problem?  I have a new Acer monitors that doesn't give me this problem. 


  • Blayn-Acer
    Blayn-Acer Administrator Posts: 2,355 Community Administrator

    Try connecting that monitor to another computer to verify if the monitor is working. You could also try another power reset, to see if it will enable the monitor to function. If you are still unable to get a picture on the monitor, I would suggest looking into local repair options or replacement, as Acer does not provide out of warranty service on monitors due to relatively low cost of replacement.

  • JKramer328
    JKramer328 Member Posts: 5 New User

    Does this mean that ACER monitors are basically no good?  EVERY SINGLE MESSAGE answered by an ACER TECHNICIAN always says "Contact Acer Service".  I am trying to get the HARDWARE RESET proceedure for an Acer monitor. I cannot find my manual at all, and Acer does not list it online.

  • JKramer328
    JKramer328 Member Posts: 5 New User

    I *know* there is a two button proceedure for restting to factory specs.

  • Tommy-Acer
    Tommy-Acer VIP Posts: 6,317 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    I understand that you are frustrated, however extreme hyperbole regarding our ability to respond does not help you or any other member of the community.


    Usually we will suggest service for obvious symptoms that appear to be hardware related and are not correctable from these forums or by the user.  Service is the best option for a large number of nebulous and/or incomplete posts.


    In your case, this is the ONLY time you have actually requested information regarding a "two button reset" that you "know" to exist.  Unfortunately, you do not list your monitor model in either of these posts.  I'll assume that you are speaking of the AL2002W, and the User's Guide is posted on our Drivers site.


    AL2002W User's Guide



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