PredatorOrion3000 Gaming Desktop PO3-640-UR12 Power supply question wants to know about power supply

Thomox Member Posts: 1 New User
edited November 2022 in Predator Desktops

Part Number:DG.E2XAA.004

I'm shopping around for a new computer and was potentially interested by this one but I am having a hard time wrapping up my head around the power supply, is it really a 500W power supply or is that a mistake on the webpage? I don't mean this in any bad way, just worried with that processor and video card and trying to make sure what power supply is in there.

Thank you.

[Edited the thread to add issue detail]

Best Answer


  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,553 Trailblazer
    edited November 2022 Answer ✓

    Yes, the stock PO3-640 PSU is a 500W PSU that Acer supplies, but Acer fits an RTX-3070 GPU that runs on a 500W PSU (best PSU for this GPU is a suggested 550W) so and if you want to fit this higher spec GPU then you have to fit the GeForce RTX 3070.8GB GDDR6. 256B.14000MHZ.Acer part #: .DA.30711.003.

    Below are the types of OEM PSUs and GPUs that Acer fits to this desktop and if you want to upgrade the GPU and need a higher-powered PSU then you have to fit the same type of PSU as below.

    Acer PSUs

    Acer GPUs fitted:

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    Yes, the PSU is an ATX12VO type that provides a single rail of 12V only to the system. Third party replacements for the 12VO supplies are really, really hard to find. :(

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • LINK123
    LINK123 Member Posts: 13


    I agree with that but the minimum specs for the RTX 3070 is 650watts and the Acer version is the founders edition with a custom made cooler and backplate so 500watts is below Nvidia's minimum specs for gaming believe me it won't even run the elder scrolls V SKYRIM SE with mods without slowing down I even have the two demos for the video card one worked fine but the other one worked bad due to power supply not giving power to run it the second DEMO I have for it is the justice RTX DEMO and it's running horrible and I can't even get the DLSS AND RAY TRACING TO WORK SO DON'T GO BY WHAT ACER SAYS IT'S NOT ACCURATE AS I HAVE FOUND OUT SO MY BEST BET IS TO GO TO REDDIT FOURMS ABOUT IT NEVER TRUST YOUR OEM WHEN I IT COME TO POWER SUPPLY RECOMMENDATIONS SO THE BEST I'VE FOUND IS THE THERMALTAKE TOUGH POWER GRAND GFA3 MODULAR ONE THAT IS 650 Watts

  • LINK123
    LINK123 Member Posts: 13


    I just looked up the power supply for this and it's not what they say it is actually it's dual 12V rail design not the single rail version the only version with a single rail is made by THERMAL TAKE and it's modular and it's a higher wattage.