Serial number of 18 digits instead of 22 A515-56

Wn_Vaibhav Member Posts: 25 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
edited October 2022 in Aspire Laptops

Hey, if Anyone Can help, I have an acer Aspire A515-56 and i want to register my product , I have this laptop from about 1 year now but i cant register cause I have an 18 digit Serial number and I do mailed acer but they gave me some other serial number for downloading drivers and all but not Resolved my problem, I Just need to Use my serial number or snid that's given on back of My laptop and I can't Use It, Can anyone Help me Out For this, BTW I am from India and i Bought this product online and it starts and ends with UNA1##########3126 can you resolve my issue? I am facing it from about an year Now and I would be Glad if you resolve My issue 😶

[Edited the thread to add model name to the title]


  • @Wn_Vaibhav

    You can even get the right serial no from bios. Try f2 while turning on the computer. Go to info menu next to main menu . It will show you the system serial number.

    I understand you would like to register for warranty.   If you are not able to register using a particular browser , try to use an alternative browser and check.. 

    If your laptop is in warranty you can contact the warranty dept.   Go to the website - chose your country.  On the new page - scroll down - click on "contact support". Scroll down. You can find the phone no to contact the warranty dept.  They will help you to register the warranty.

    Please visit the website - - chose your country - click on shop.  You can buy desktop, laptop, monitor and accessories. Alternatively, on the top right corner you can find the phone no to contact Acer store.  You can get more details about the warranty. 

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful 

    Click on "Yes" if it answers your question.

    Please click YES if I answered your question

    I am not an ACER employee
    B  Thank you and have a BLESSED AND HAPPY DAY  B

                                         ★★ WILLIAM - MRK ★★

  • Wn_Vaibhav
    Wn_Vaibhav Member Posts: 25 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    In My Bios too.. I have 18 digit serial number but I need 22 digit

  • Wn_Vaibhav
    Wn_Vaibhav Member Posts: 25 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    edited November 2022

    I have searched On youtube, I have Tried To contact acer But My Issue was not resolved , I also tried to mail them, But Everywhere i go I get a frickin 18 digit serial Number , I have Tried acer's serial number Detection Tool, I have acer's Care center in which It shows Me My serial Number, But it's still 18 digit, I Have Tried Command Prompt And I have tried to Use some Other Methods too but yeah every time I go to find driver's and manuals, or try to Register my product on acer's website I can't cause i Got A GOD-[content removed] ! 18 digit Seiral Number☹️

    [Edited the content to hide sensitive information]

  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,474 Trailblazer
    edited October 2022

    There is NO magic pill that wil solve and/or change/modify the 18 digits to 22 digits, as and if you do this:

    cmd prompt >run as administrator>type wmic baseboard get product,manufacturer,version,serialnumber 

    And you get an 18 digits S/N instead of 22 digits S/N (see caption below) then you can't do anything. The genuine Acer product for the A515-56 comes with an 11th Gen Intel cpu of either i3-i5 or an i7 and many motherboard models of this laptop, you could have either an unusual motherboard S/N with only 18-digit S/Ns or a nongenuine Acer product? The only people that can help you is Acer, who you have to contact, and you have to tell them all the details above and from which retailer that you bought this laptop from, and let them investigate and tell you if its a genuine Acer product? Good luck and hope this helps you out, as we are only an Acer community and have no ties to Acer factory and/or warranty.

  • Wn_Vaibhav
    Wn_Vaibhav Member Posts: 25 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
  • Wn_Vaibhav
    Wn_Vaibhav Member Posts: 25 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    Hey this gave me a different serial number but What's that for Bro..?

    and why do I have another serial number here and another on my back panel

  • Wn_Vaibhav
    Wn_Vaibhav Member Posts: 25 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    Here, I have a 22 digit serial number! but its totally different from all I have on this pc

  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,474 Trailblazer

    Because the cmd serial number is the Acer mobo serial number and what your laptops number is, forget about the rest and go with the cmd serial number,

  • Wn_Vaibhav
    Wn_Vaibhav Member Posts: 25 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    but it still not accepts that serial number too..while registering