AN515-45: I'm having latency issues when using my laptop for Video djing



  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    I wonder what the magic number of reports is before Nagendra also tells you that nvidia won't support machines with vDJ software installed either? 🙂

    Better get that new integrated AMD GPU fired up working with the new vDJ software like your old A5's integrated GPU worked with the old vDJ software, despite vDJ's claims ntegrated GPUs won't work. Who you gonna believe? Your lying eyes & ears that it worked on the old A5? Or vDJ's claims that it couldn't have worked on the old A5--- or you were lucky ---- or maybe imagining it worked --- or maybe even hallucinating? 😁

    Jack E/NJ

  • Dazc1971
    Dazc1971 Member Posts: 49 Troubleshooter

    seems silly my old none compatible machine not optimised for pro audio in any way saves my night. and exceeds the Nitro 5s capabilities

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    So install the old vDJ software on the new nitro.

    Jack E/NJ

  • Dazc1971
    Dazc1971 Member Posts: 49 Troubleshooter

    old machine is running a version that's quite new and I did try rolling the software version in the Nitro back still had issues. was also advised from using an older version by vdj.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    >>>old machine is running a version that's quite new and I did try rolling the software version in the Nitro back still had issues>>>

    Does the "quite new" version work OK in the old A5 but not the new AN5?

    Jack E/NJ

  • Dazc1971
    Dazc1971 Member Posts: 49 Troubleshooter

    not 100% I did get the slight drop out and a bit of glitching on and off during the night but nothing others wouldn't have really noticed, and it still does it but is more reliable than the Nitro.

    son told me to factory reset the Nitro, and not make any changes to settings. I still get latency monitor errors - all the usual errors but I'm not connected to the denon controller or the seperate TV screens either.

    last nights error was a kernel power event 41 critical error.

    I'm not sure what to do anymore as I can't use a machine that might just shutdown without warning. biggest waste of £900 I've ever made and will be paying for it for the next 2 years.

    as its well over 31 days since I brought it I can't return it, but can't do what i need it to. VDJ aren't helping anymore, and I've not heard back from nvidia.

  • Dazc1971
    Dazc1971 Member Posts: 49 Troubleshooter

    Heard from Acer and basically

    was adviced to update windows, update drivers, BIOS, if not factory reset. Did it all again no change and adviced them i'd done all this before contacting them.

    So their answer today - We are sorry, but not have thoer solution for the problem of Vitual DJ., had to remind them its not specific to VDJ but for pro audio use in general and the issue is either with the laoptop / nvidia or windows and the laoptop.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    >>>I can't return it, but can't do what i need it to>>>

    Well, since you seem to be stuck with it now, might as well spend another $110 to max out at 32GB RAM and try using the integrated GPU mentioned earlier.

    Go to crucial dot com and run their scanner on your machine. Looks like their regular 32GB kits should work on your model.

    Jack E/NJ

  • Dazc1971
    Dazc1971 Member Posts: 49 Troubleshooter

    got to find a way to pay for the nitro, and source another reliable laptop that plays pro audio first, the aspire is not reliable enough as the main machine, and the nitro is no use for either as it is,

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    >>>got to find a way to pay for the nitro>>>

    Easy. Charge more for your DJ gigs. Everybody knows everything costs more these days due to inflation.🙂

    Jack E/NJ