What is the max. RAM for A715-51G-77YG?

Dávid_206 Member Posts: 2 New User

I'm planning on buying an Acer Aspire 7: https://store.acer.com/de-de/acer-aspire-7-notebook-a715-51g-schwarz-nh-qhweg-002. Because I want to use it for 3D Game Development I would like to upgrade the RAM. My Question is what the absolute maximum is. The CPU tops out at 64GB, the OS (Windows 10 Home) can handle up to 128GB. Acer states that the maximum is 32GB but third party sites say it's 64GB: https://www.phs-memory.com/computer-memory-32gb-ddr4-acer-aspire-7-a715-51g-730q-ram-so-dimm-sp421458.html?c=330457; https://www.speicher.de/arbeitsspeicher/acer/aspire-7/a715-51g.html;

I'm using the Unity 3D Engine with Visual Studio 2022 open. Opera GX is mostly playing some music in the background. I would like to have 64GB of RAM. Is this too OVERKILL, or should I go for it. The price doesn't really matter its only a difference of about 100$.

Can anyone please help me with this?

Best Answer


  • Jack22
    Jack22 ACE Posts: 4,308 Pathfinder


    Your laptop should have 4GB onboard memory and another 4GB in the removable memory slot, you can upgrade up to 20GB total memory(4GB onboard+16GB).

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  • Dávid_206
    Dávid_206 Member Posts: 2 New User

    But the Acer official website states it's 16GB?

  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓


    You can upgrade the memory up to 32GB(2x16GB) with DDR4 3200MHz modules, 64GB is an overkill and you have to return the modules to the seller if they don't work, I haven't seen anyone installing 64GB RAM in this model, do you use very memory intensive programs? You have to remember that unused memory is a wasted memory but it's up to you to try 64GB, you can also run Crucial Scanner to find out the compatible upgrade, avoid any modules with XMP profile, like Kingston HyperX or Corsair modules.

  • William_mk2
    William_mk2 ACE Posts: 4,198 Pathfinder
    edited September 2022


    I would like to provide some additional info which will really help you. 

    Kindly go through the details given below. The info provided below will be very helpful to get the current memory and ssd details of your computer and the options to upgrade it.  

    After you get the computer, please visit the website given below. There is an option to "start your scan " and " select your computer " . Please chose the options and try it. It will show you the memory and SSD’s details and the best upgrade options for you.. 


    It will tell you what you currently have and what you can add for memory and SSD's. 

    Note: If you decide to buy you can always compare the prices by visiting other websites or stores and then you can decide. We are providing the info of scan app just to show you the upgrade options. You can even download similar scan apps from other memory upgrade websites too.      

    To check the compatibility of ram which you can use on your computer.. Get CPUz and check it with that in SPD section of all the RAM and specs that you have, its a quick and simple way to check all OEM specs and what you have in your system. 

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  • @Dávid_206

    Kindly go through the details which is captured from service manual designed for your computer.

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