Noise when running a game Nitro AN515-57

Vazelini Member Posts: 7


edited September 2022 in Nitro Gaming

Hi, I've purchased new Nitro AN515-57. When I run a demanding game the GPU (3050Ti) starts making this weird buzzing sound. It happens immediately as the game loads, it's not in the menu or idling. Even when I tab out it stops. It's not loud, way quieter than fans but I'm simply worried. I don't think it's coil whine. Turning fps down helps but it's not suitable for me obviously. Also when I unplug the charger and GPU turns off, it stops immediately. Sounds very similar (not my video) but I could't really see any explanation or solution. Is that normal cause the GPU is under stress or is it something to be worried about?. If someone needs more info I'll be more than happy to answer. I'm using the latest drivers from GeForce experience. Thanks in advance.

(Edited the title to add model name )
