my Acer is worse when i updated the drivers AN517-52-52T3

Darkolen Member Posts: 7


edited September 2022 in Aspire Laptops

ok, last month my nitro Acer would crash every day at least once, for nearly doing anything. so I decided its time I should update the graphics drivers, I had, errors with open gl, and a variety of things I did not know, I've avoided using driver updaters that aren't windows, so I manually searched and downloaded/upgraded my graphics drivers, like intel., I used to have version 27. now I have intel graphics version 31.01 and cannot even do half of the stuff I did before I updated it. like here is an example, I used to be able to play Fortnite on the highest graphics with no stutter and sometimes slowness because of all the nonsense I have on my Acer. but now I have the new intel version, and I can't even play Fortnite on the lowest graphics. if I do it crashes and soon leads not my whole laptop crashing. is there any way to go back? id take crashing every day and being able to do various things rather than the state of what's happening now. and also now my Nvidia and Geforce does not ackknowldge that they exist despite them working perfectly fine before I updated my drivers. please help, I have a school, that I need to have good graphics to do.

(edited the title to add model name )

Best Answer

  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,564 Trailblazer
    edited September 2022 Answer ✓

    It would help if you could tell us the exact Nitro model that you have? As by the sounds of what you have written, your laptop has not been updated properly hence and why you get “errors with open gl, and a variety of things I did not know

    Update the bios to the laptops last bios also look if there is a vbios update for your gpu, install the Intel® Driver & Support Assistant and do a scan, to update all Intel graphics, chipset drivers for your laptop, install the latest NVIDIA graphics and the NVIDIA GeForce Experience as this software has NVIDIA’s best pre-sets for games like Fortnite to perform perfectly as they also have other pre-sets for many other games. Try all that as it will help you game and use your laptop to its best performance and settings. 
