How do I start a new thread in the Acer Community Support Blog Acer Aspire TC-895-EB11 ?

Thrip Member Posts: 70 Devotee WiFi Icon
edited September 2022 in Aspire and Veriton Desktops

When I first purchased my Acer Aspire TC-895-EB11 desktop in 2021 I made many visits to the "Acer Community Support Blog".

-But once I began with the installation of DAWs & other interface software etc. into the PC my time became dedicated to chasing the tech-support or help desks of these other companies.

I haven't had the occasion or need to start a new Acer English community blog thread since 2021, and now that I again do have an Acer desktop related matter to bring up -I can't find the place to click where it enables you to "Start a New Thread".

I can't remember how I did it back in 2021.

-Would you be so good as to give directions ?



( edited the title to add the model name )


  • Thrip
    Thrip Member Posts: 70 Devotee WiFi Icon

    Well, I asked a question re how to start a new thread on the Aspire web-site, -and now it seems like I've automatically, "Posted a Comment" on "Aspire, Veriton and Revo Desktops" 8:50 AM this mourning.

    -So now that I'm on, I might as well go ahead with the issue that I originally wanted yo deal with.

    ( -I may have to re-post this as an opening thread with its own title later - )


    As I said earlier with DAWs installed into my Acer Aspire TC-895-EB11 desktop I eventually began getting interested in an "interface". I shopped around and it was the Audient iD14 MkII (with the possibility of 8 channels expansion) that I eventually chose.

    I explained to the Audient company that I was installing the interface into an, OFFLINE PC/DAW audio studio. -So they emailed me an attachment of two files, the driver's installer and the firmware update.

    I was able to drag & drop these two files onto a USB thumb drive, -and then onto the OFFLINE Acer Aspire TC-895-EB11's desktop.

    The trouble is, when I open the Audient iD14 MkII's driver's installation file and start going through its multiple-step installation procedure and come to the [iD] "Choose Components Page" I find that there is a frozen checkbox on one of the menu's selections on this driver's installation page.

    The [iD] Choose Components page has two selection or options on its menu; Audient USB Audio Driver v5.0.2 -and  iD Control Application. -There you are instructed to make a selection and "check" (or click on ) its checkbox.

    ( I assume that Audient USB Audio Driver v5.0.2 is the option that I should choose, -I ran this by Audient's Help Desk and nothing contrary was said.) there wasn't

    When you first arrive to this "Choose Components" page, (& I have a few times now), the default settings that you always find have "Audient USB Audio Driver v5.0.2" highlighted with blue but its checkbox is unchecked (although there is a faint light grey check in its checkbox). -The "iD Control Application" selection does have a real dark "check" already in its checkbox, but it is not highlighted with blue. (when fiddling around with it I found that when you could take the "check" out of the "iD Control Application's" checkbox there wasn't any faint light grey check marks left as found with the "Audient USB Audio Driver v5.0.2's" checkbox.

    The "Audient USB Audio Driver v5.0.2's" checkbox with the faint light grey check in it is FROZEN. -So I cannot make this selection. -It will not take a check in as can be done with the other option.

    It's like it is "locked" in some way......

    If I cannot check the Audient USB Audio Driver v5.0.2 checkbox, (because a light grey check is already there and) is frozen out, I cannot complete this Interface's driver's installation.

    This option's checkbox being inoperative must mean something.....

    -Surely there would be a way to get this install page operating ?

    What do you advise ?

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,498 Trailblazer

    It sounds like that checkbox is required, and already selected (hence the gray checkmark). I assume the device is already connector to the computer through a new enough USB port (it looks like it requires USB-C)?

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • Thrip
    Thrip Member Posts: 70 Devotee WiFi Icon

    The interface device is connected to the PC by way of USB-C.

    The Acer Aspire TC-895-EB11 has one USB-C port.

    The instructions on the "Choose Components" page of the interface driver's installation step by step procedure clearly state to, "check the components you want to install and uncheck the components you don't want to install."

    The "Choose Components" page always comes up with the two component's options the same.

    -The first one, "Audient USB Audio Driver v5.0.2" is highlighted with blue but its checkbox is unchecked (although there is a faint light grey check in its checkbox).

    -The second one, "iD Control Application" does have a real dark "check" already in its checkbox, but it's name is not highlighted with blue. 

    I found that I could change which component option would be highlighted in blue, but only one or the other could be highlighted in blue. -I also found that I could "uncheck" iD Control Application's checkbox.

    I just can't make a real dark check-mark in Audient USB Audio Driver v5.0.2's checkbox, -that already has a faint light grey check-mark in it.

    I found that I could take the check-mark away (or uncheck it) from iD Control Application's checkbox, and keep the blue highlighting on Audient USB Audio Driver v5.0.2,.....-I figured that at least the other component's checkbox was unchecked, and the intended component was highlighted in blue -with this faint grey check in its checkbox. -But when I, "Click Install to start installation" I get indications that the install was not completed.

    -Things didn't happen as the "Quick Guide" said. -Throughout this installation procedure, I'm supposed to get a notice at a certain point to usb-C connect the interface to the PC. -As well, I was supposed to be, "prompted to install the firmware update" (which is also on my PC's desktop), and did not do.

    After the install the interface ID ICON that appears on your bottom taskbar or "system tray" is supposed to open to a popup menu that reads,  "Show Mixer, Quit-Quit ctrl + Q , About iD, Visit iD Knowledge Base, Check for Updates, Set ASIO Buffer Size >, Set sample Rate ;

    -but instead I get, "[iD] Application, "Pin to Taskbar", and Close Window".

    This I'm told is a solid indication that the install hasn't worked out.

    So I haven't clicked on & installed the "Firmware Update" yet, -as I don't think it's right to do so, (& perhaps isn't even possible) until the drivers are properly installed.

    I need to find out how to make the proper settings with this installation's "Choose Components" page.

    There must be knowledge of these sorts of faint-light grey check-marks in check boxes rendering the options selection page inoperative. -I've seen this sort of thing enough times before throughout the years.

    The question is what sort of phenomena is it ? -and what can I do about it?

    If their installation package doesn't work, -I wonder if I can get my money back ?

    I would prefer is to somehow discover what's going on with it, install, and move on.

  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,825 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    I'm sorta lost but I wonder what happens if you go to Control Panel "Hardware and Sounds" and add a device.

    The rest of the questions should be answered my the devices support team, but I would try to add a device vis the control panel 1st.

  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,825 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    You Tube has some videos.

    Search On " Audient USB Audio Driver v5.0.2"

  • Thrip
    Thrip Member Posts: 70 Devotee WiFi Icon

    Hi Larryodie,

    Thanks for your reply, I will be interested in checking out the YouTube tutorial, "Audient USB Audio Driver v5.0.2"

    I have already watched the YouTube tutorial, "How to set up an Audient iD14 MkII Audio Interface". (I think it may even be an Audient production).

    Having gone through trying this interface driver's installation process a few times I noticed that when I come to the "Choose Components" page in the step by step installation procedure I would find the settings exactly the same as I saw in the, "How to set up an Audient iD14 MkII Audio Interface" tutorial, -with the "Audient USB Audio Driver v4.1.1" selection highlighted in blue, & not having its box "checked". -and the "iD Control Application" selection having its checkbox checked.  

    I wasn't able to see the detail required in the tutorial video to tell whether or not the tutorial's "Choose Components" page also had a faint grey checkmark in its checkbox beside the "Audient USB Audio Driver v4.1.1" option, -as it does in my case. (I think it unlikely that the light grey checkmark would be found in the tutorial video's "Choose Components" page.)

    I was just going to bootup my Acer Aspire Desktop this morning to try to "go to Control Panel "Hardware and Sounds" and add a device." as you first advised when I seen your second post.

    As I'm still much motivated to do that I will probably boot-up my offline PC/DAW and search around for the "Control Panel" and "Hardware and Sounds" to then try to "add a device". -But I've tried unsuccessfully before to see this "Control Panel" -so as to locate "Hardware and Sounds" on the Aspire Tc-895-EB11.

    I know this "Control Panel" is probably something that's right in front of me all the time.....

    When you refer to the "Control Panel" -what do you mean? -Where is it on my screen?

    Thanks for the help,

  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,825 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon
    edited September 2022

    Unfortunately they don't show it in the start menu so Search or Run "Control Panel" at thee bottom of the screen.

    In Windows 11 , have a Control Panel icon in the tray but I'm not sure that I didn't pin it there so do a search.

  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,825 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    Instructions for WIn10.

    Click the bottom-left Start button to open the Start Menu, type control panel in the search box and select Control Panel in the results. Way 2: Access Control Panel from the Quick Access Menu. Press Windows+X or right-tap the lower-left corner to open the Quick Access Menu, and then choose Control Panel in it.

  • Thrip
    Thrip Member Posts: 70 Devotee WiFi Icon

    Thanks Larryodie,

    I found it, -when I googled it, "Where is the control panel on the computer?" & I got the same directions;

    "Click the bottom-left Start button to open the Start Menu, type control panel in the search box and select Control Panel in the results. Way 2: Access Control Panel from the Quick Access Menu. Press Windows+X or right-tap the lower-left corner to open the Quick Access Menu, and then choose Control Panel in it."

    -Then I found,  "Hardware and Sounds" .

    -Then on "Devices and Printers" I chose, "Add a Device".

    I had the interface usb-C connected to the Aspire Desktop.

    But the first time I tried "Add a Device" I got a "That didn't work" message - "Try again, and make sure your device is still discoverable."

    I tried this several times with the same result. -The "Add a Device" window said, "Choose a device or printer to add to this PC" and below that was a square area with one, (sometimes two) light blue rectangle(s) labeled "Unknown" -when I would click on that it would give me the, "That didn't work" message - "Try again, and make sure your device is still discoverable." -Then just as I was typing this into the reply-thread, it seems that the computer has seen or "discovered" the usb-C connected Interface and another light blue rectangle appeared, "LE-The Ox Unknown", (something else also appeared for a split second). -when I clicked on "LE-The Ox Unknown", unfortunately, I just got that same, "That didn't work" message - "Try again, and make sure your device is still discoverable."

    Under "Devices and Printers" (from Hardware > Sound Control Panel) I see "Auto Play" & under it, "Adjust default settings for media or devices" -when clicking that, you get a page that says, "Choose what happens when you insert each type of media or device" -I wonder if something like this "AutoPlay" window may be needing settings of some kind made too ?

  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,825 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    Under Hardware and sounds, click on ":View Devices and printer"

    Does your device show ?

    Also have you disconnected " all connected devices except your mouse and keyboard until you are connected to the Audient .

    Maybe someone else can help.

  • Thrip
    Thrip Member Posts: 70 Devotee WiFi Icon

    Yes I have always made sure that I disconnected all connected devices except the mouse and keyboard until connecting to the Audient interface in all of my drivers installation attempts so far. -There never is anything else other than the odd USB stick or portable HD ever connected, -which I always disconnect after using. 

    I went back to Hardware and sound, & clicked on View Devices and printer -

    On a "Devices and Printers" window page, under "> Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Devices and Printers" I found the "Audient iD14 in the top row, -with the Acer Elite USB Keyboard, the acer Elite USB Optical Mouse, (then comes the Audient iD14), Desktop-9P4VH 6L, Generic PnP Monitor, and Speakers (Realtek(R)Audio).

    With the exception of "Speakers (Realtek(R)Audio)" as I don't know what it's talking about, this top row of connected devices are familiar & make sense etc.

    -The next row beneath the row of devices that I recognize as being connected to the Aspire, (including the Audient interface) has (4) Printers and the third bottom row called, "Unspecified (1)" has a box like illustration/icon "Venus_2C4CC642 BDD7" -making a total of 11 items.

    -I have no idea what "Unspecified (1) Venus_2C4CC642 BDD7" is, and no printers have ever been connected to this PC.

    *However, just above the row of connected devices that includes the Audient iD14 it has, "Add a device" and "Add a printer" options.

    -I clicked on "Add a device" -and the familiar "Add a device" window page came up -where it says, "Choose a device or printer to add to this PC" -Select a Device. The "Unknown" light blue rectangle appeared, then another identical one came and went, then came back again, then an "ID115-something" appeared & then quickly disappeared as well as the "LE -The Ox Unknown" came up and stayed. 

    -I didn't click on any of the light blue rectangles because the colored activation line was already working across the bottom of the page when it first came up. -I just clicked on [Next] -and got the also familiar, "Add a device" window page that says, "That didn't work" "Try again and make sure your device is still discoverable".

    It might be useful to know that when I then went back to the "Devices and Printers" window page & double clicked on the Audient iD14 ICON (which looks like a picture of a mouse) a little popup window

    came called "Audient iD14 Properties" -that had;

    [General]  [Hardware]

    (a picture of a mouse) Audient iD14

    Device Information

    Manufacturer:    Unavailable

    Model:         Audient iD14

    Model number:   Unavailable

    Categories:      Mouse, Audio device

    Description:     Unavailable

    Device Tasks

    To view tasks for the device, right-click the icon for the device in Devices and Printers."

    -So I clicked on [OK] and then right clicked on the icon. 

    -I got a popup with this list, Sound settings, Mouse settings, Create shortcut, Remove device, Troubleshoot, Properties

    I then clicked on Properties off of this popup list -and came back to the same "Devices and Printers" window page where I double click on the Audient iD14 ICON & a little popup window comes called "Audient iD14 Properties" -with;

    [General]  [Hardware]

    (a picture of a mouse) Audient iD14

    Device Information

    Manufacturer:    Unavailable

    Model:         Audient iD14

    Model number:   Unavailable

    Categories:      Mouse, Audio device

    Description:     Unavailable

    But I found that this was only the "[General]" setting information, when I selected, "[Hardware]" i got another popup -with, "Device Functions" -

    Name                           Type

    ADAT 3/4 (Audient iD14)             Audio inputs... 

    ADAT 5/6 (Audient iD14)             Audio inputs... 

    ADAT 7/8 (Audient iD14)             Audio inputs...

    Analogue 1/2 (Audient iD14)                Audio inputs... 

    Analogue 1/2 (Audient iD14)                Audio inputs...

    Analogue 3/4 (Audient iD14)                Audio inputs...

    Analogue 5/6 (Audient iD14)                Audio inputs...               

    Audient iD14                             Audient USB

    Audient iD14                             Sound, vide...

    HID-compliant mouse                      Mice and ot...

    Loop-back 1/2 (Audient iD14)              Audio inputs...

    SPDIF/ADAT 1/2 (Audient iD14)            Audio inputs...

    USB Input Device                          Human Interf...

    Device Function Summary

    Manufacturer:      Microsoft

    Location:         on Audient iD14

    Device status:       The device is working properly.

                                       [ Properties ]

                      [OK  [Cancel]   [Apply]

    -When I clicked on "[ Properties ]" -I got another small popup window entitled, "ADAT 3/4 (Audient iD14) Properties"

    -at the top of it are the options, [General], [Driver], [Details], [Events]   -then under that -

    ADAT 3/4 (Audient iD14)

    Device type:    Audio inputs and outputs

    Manufacturer:   Microsoft

    Location:      on Audient iD14

    Device status       

    This device is working properly

    [Change settings]

                                                          [OK]   [Cancel]

    -Then when I clicked on the "[Driver]" option, -I get an, "ADAT 3/4 (Audient iD14) Properties" -"ADAT 3/4 (Audient iD14)" popup, -with ;

    Driver Provider:     Microsoft

    Driver Date:        2019-12-06

    Driver Version:      10.0.19041.1

    Digital Signer:       Microsoft Windows

    [ Driver Details       View details about the included driver files

    [ Update Drive ]       Update the driver for this device     

    [ Roll Back Driver ]     if the device fails after updating the driver, roll back to the previously installed driver 

    [ Disable Device ]     Disable the device

    [ Uninstall device ]    Uninstall the device from the system (Advanced)

                                                          [OK]    [Cancel]

    -NOTE: All of the other options except, "[ Driver Details ]" were rendered in grey.

    I clicked on, "[ Driver Details ]" -and got a "ADAT 3/4 (Audient iD14)" popup message, that stated;

    "No driver files are required or have been loaded for this device."

    -i clicked [OK] and exited, closing all of the popup windows etc.

    So what I think that I find is that the computer does see the device, it says the device is working properly, -yet it also says that, "No driver files are required or have been loaded for this device.".

    Otherwise I would have suspected that the installation was somehow already made in one of my earlier attempts.

    To me it's clear that the problem is with the frozen checkbox on the 'Choose Components" page of the drivers installation procedure. -I found out from the internet that things like the frozen checkbox with a light grey check-mark in it are called, "disabled elements".

    Thanks to Larryodie-I wouldn't have gotten this far if it wasn't for your direction.

    -What can be advised as the next best course of action ?   

  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,825 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    Maybe Uninstall the device and maybe uninstall any software that your supplier package installed.

    TRY to get it the device in a reset factory condition as it was shipped to you then reboot and add device in Control Panel if Windows doesn't install in Plug and Play.

  • Thrip
    Thrip Member Posts: 70 Devotee WiFi Icon

    Thanks for the reply Larryodie,

    I certainly feel that I would like to uninstall the device, & any software & try to get the device back to a factory reset condition -so as to try again fresh, sort of thing.

    But I'm not sure what all that would entail, -I'll have to run this idea by the Audient Help Desk.

    As well, I now also have a completely opposing view to consider with this recent advice,

    "You're really overthinking all of this. Don't change anything in the installer - just keep hitting OK or next or whatever till it's completed.

    You don't have to make any selections or deselect anything, you want to just let it install whatever it's set to do.

    A frozen checkbox just means the item must be installed for the device to work, therefore you cannot de-select it."

    This frozen checkbox theory of his has got me wondering, but again, this is something best confirmed by the Audient Help Desk.

  • Thrip
    Thrip Member Posts: 70 Devotee WiFi Icon

    I haven't been on the Acer Community Support Blog for quite some time again, (this happened before Sept. 2022) -and have again forgotten how to start a new Post etc., -I still can't find anywhere that says "Post a New Comment" or "Start a New Post" anywhere….

    -So that being the case I again will start up my new Post this way, (as I must have done back in 2022 by the look of my Inbox records).

    The Post that I want to start involves the exporting of audio files from my Acer Aspire TC-895-EB11 into an external drive. The portable drive will then be taken over to other computers and/or music studios. The term "sneaker-netting" is sometimes used for this practice. -In order to make a plan of this kind work, I had to make "Consolidated Files" of my audio project that I created upon the Acer with a music DAW. Because this is the first time that I've ever made, "Consolidated Files" so as to move audio projects from one air-gapped music studio to the other, I'm not sure which of the various kinds of files that come from the consolidation process that I should include in the folder to be put into the portable drive. I know that mostly it is the "WAV files" that are needed for other music studios, -however the wav.repeaks files may also be of some lesser tech. importance. -I had a Project File and a Back-up File that also came out of the file consolidation process. These look identical to the original project in my DAW, and immediately plays the audio. I thought that would be convenient for musicians to easily listen & study the song a bit before going into recording, -but then it occurred to me that these only play audio because the folder in question is still on the desktop of my Acer Aspire. If this is the case then I would need to not include either the Project File or the Back-up File in the folder meant for the portable drive. For easy reference purposes I would then probably best make what is called a "Rendering" of the music -which can be put upon a USB device and play audio away from the computer. -It's just that the Project File/Back-up File contains more information, visually showing where all the audio is on the various tracks.

    Can anyone advise ?

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,498 Trailblazer

    It's the 'Ask a Question' button. Where and how files are stored are specific to the application. You need to see what the application expects, then place those files on the external drive.

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • Thrip
    Thrip Member Posts: 70 Devotee WiFi Icon

    Hello billsey,

    I recall corresponding with you back in 2022 -and perhaps before that when I first bought my Acer Aspire TC-895-EB11. You & the other guys, have always been most helpful. -Thank you.

    As in 2022 when I first had trouble with this, look as I may, I cannot find the "Ask a Question" button -anywhere. -It's not that I have never seen it before. I recall that this "Ask the Question" button was always at the ready for the vast majority of the the many times that I had posted thread starters. (I seem to recall it being sort of in the top right corner?)

    I wonder what the problem is ?

    -As for the audio files transfer matter, I viewed a tutorial since I posted the Acer Community Support blog that indicated that with the DAW I'm using that ".rrp " follows all "Session Files" -so the, "CONSOLIDATED FILE.rpp (REAPER Project File)" and the, "CONSOLIDATED FILE.rpp (REAPER Backup Project File)" referred to previously were "session files". These session files are essentially like a road map that the program looks to find where to read the audio files from, but doesn't actually contain any audio. So therefore won't play audio once disconnected to the Aspire PC -containing the audio. If I want to send anyone something that they can play -it will need to be what they call a "Rendering" -before the music is "mixed".

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,498 Trailblazer

    Here's what I see:

    Perhaps your screen isn't side enough and you need to scroll over? I don't know just how your DAW works, maybe it'd be best to ask them how to share files?

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • Thrip
    Thrip Member Posts: 70 Devotee WiFi Icon

    Hi billsey,

    This time that I logged on to the Acer Community blog I just clicked on a notice that I had replies to a question at the top of the home page -and it brought me to this blog/thread. Now that I'm "here" I find that I can scroll up to the top of the page and do indeed easily find the green "Ask a Question" button.

    To check & make sure I went to the Acer Community blog again -as I would normally do, and I also easily found this green "Ask a Question" button at the top of the page.

    It must be something like you say, but there was no way to scroll over when I was stuck like that…. -It must be the old DELL laptop with Windows 7 (Basic) that I use for emails etc. It is giving all kinds of trouble these days, -I'm just going to have to get a more modern one for emails etc.

    -I use the Acer Aspire strictly for music production work alone, it's never to be online.