Having Issues Playing YouTube Videos? Laptop Freezing ? Glitched out pixels ? Read this

CIeetZ Member Posts: 19 Troubleshooter
Hi Everyone. If You're like Me, You are probably on this forum to find help with Your acer aspire or similar laptop. I had alot of issues with mine after buying it second hand, and I'd like to share what helped Me, as I'm pretty sure it will help You as well. 
I think I FINALLY may have hit a breakthrough here. Big Shoutout to egydiocoelho for recommending ' iobit Driver Download Program '. To anyone who is having issues with their laptop, I HIGHLY recommend it. Intel Driver Download Assistant said I was up to date on drivers, but iobit said I had 26 drivers that needed updating. After updating, BOOM , Youtube started working again instantly. HOWEVER. Take it SLOW when installing iobit driver download assistant. It has little 'check' boxes to install other programs, which respectively is how they make their money. You can get Your drivers updated by them for free, but if You DONT take Your TIME when installing it,  and read everything carefully, You will install programs You dont need or want. Secondly, My laptop came with entirely too much Thermal Paste on the CPU under the Heat Sink. It was a big pile of goop which had dried out to more of a putty than a paste. I recommend everyone go on YouTube and watch videos on applying Thermal Paste, and learn how to re-apply it. It only costs like 5 to 15 dollars to order the stuff online depending on the quality, and its actually incredibly simple and easy to reapply, and not very risky at all. Literally anybody can do it. Just take Your time and study some videos before You tackle the job, figure out the steps, and dive in there. Mind You, apparently this voids Your warranty ( opening the laptop ) so You might want to only do this if Your warranty is expired. After re-applying a proper amount of Thermal Paste, sitting the Heat Sink back in place over the CPU and tightening the screws nice and tight ( which allows the heat sink to push down against the cpu, forcing out any air pockets ) & also getting a cooling pad to blow air up into the laptop and cool it down, My Laptop hasn't glitched out and had the screen freeze since, and its been like 5 days ( it was happening every day before ) . So I'm thinking it was probably overheating. You can also clean Your fan out inside the laptop while checking the thermal paste on the cpu out ( they are right by eachother and both easy/simple to disassemble and re-assemble ) Thanks again so much for the help everyone on the forum. I am now fully content with this laptop ( for now ;}} ). Any issues in the future and I'll be back here to continue this thread.


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    Thanks for reporting back on your success. :)

    Jack E/NJ

  • CIeetZ
    CIeetZ Member Posts: 19 Troubleshooter
    ya no problem. these tips should help people a little. My laptop only froze once this week, but the youtube videos have stopped loading again. Im just gonna accept that I bought one that somebody should of sent in for warranty coverage, but didnt. Thats life, way she goes
  • CIeetZ
    CIeetZ Member Posts: 19 Troubleshooter
    *update* the computer is back to freezing 10 times a day under almost no work load lol. fml
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    If CPU/GPU temps still seem to be below 60*C under light loads, press Win+R. Enter mrt. Do a full scan. May take several hours to complete.

    Jack E/NJ