My Nitro AN515-57 lost performance in all games out of nowhere

Kashif22 Member Posts: 19 Troubleshooter
Hello, my Nitro AN515-57 started having a strange problem out of nowhere in terms of FPS, this morning I was playing "Elden Ring" normally on my pc, a game I've been playing on it for a few days, then out of nowhere the game lost the total performance dropping to 10 fps (all this while I was playing), I thought it was some bug I restarted the pc and when I turned it back on this problem persisted, not only with Elden Ring but with all games that previously ran smooth. The pc hasn't gone through any changes lately and I always play with it plugged in turning on all the performance stuff, the temperature never goes above 80 degrees and it never lost performance like that. One thing I think it might have been was that the day before I ended up leaving it on in sleep mode, but with no game or program open, so I a little doubt that's it since this problem occurred while I was playing the day after of this small occurrence, I've done everything and I don't know what to do because this pc never let me down.
